
Episode 129 - For Crying Out Loud!

Ash is journeying to Azalea Town to get his next badge. Brock sees someone and falls in love again, and suddenly, the bushes start moving, and a Marill pops out. Misty throws a Pokeball at it, knocks it on it's back, and it starts bawling!! Brock notices a bow on the back of the tail, Misty gets all cuddly, and the Marill starts bawling again! Brock calms it down, and two suspicious people drive up, and offer to give Ash and the crew a ride. They get in the back, and Pikachu and Marill are kidnapped!! It's T-Rocket!! They drive off, and Marill starts bawling again!! The noise is so bad that the truck blows up, and T-Rocket is gone again! Pikachu and Marill are free, and start rolling down a hill. Ash runs after them, stumbles, and rams into a tree. Misty goes after them, grabs Pikachu and Marill, and falls into a river, getting rushed downstream. Suddenly, the girl that Brock was nuts over comes running down the hill and accuses Ash and Brock of stealing Marill. Back to Misty and the others, Marill is bawling again, and runs away. Misty confronts Marill, and it slaps her! Misty turns her back and walks away, but Marill walks with them. Walking along, Misty asks Marill to use it's good hearing to find it's trainer. Misty gets impatient, screams at Marill, and it starts bawling again!! Back to Ash and Brock, Brock is comforting the girl, and suddenly, Togepi jumps out of Ash's arms, and locates a pink ribbon. It's Marill's!!! They can't be far now!!!
Who's that Pokemon? It's Sentret!!!
Pikachu, Marill and Misty sit down for a snack. A Butterfree flies overhead, and Marill chases it to a field where Marill is playing a Water Gun shooting game with some Butterfree. Suddenly, a bunch of Caterpie and Weedle appear, and then a swarm of Beedrill come swarming up!! They start running away, and they reach a dead end! Misty tells Pikachu to use Thundershock (what the? he obeys?) and the Beedrill escape. A storm brews, and the scene switches to Brock and Ash and Willemina hiding under a tree. Willemina is scared for Marill, but Brock comforts her. Back to Misty and them, they have taken shelter under a tree. Suddenly, thunder strikes, and Marill runs away, freaked right out! Suddenly, lightning hits a tree, and is falling towards Marill!! Misty runs up, dives and saves Marill. Marill is really thankful and starts cudding up to Misty. After the storm, they are crossing a rickety bridge, and suddenly it starts shaking! It's T-Rocket!! They're shaking the bridge with a grabbing machine! They grab Pikachu with one hand, and Marill with the other, but Misty grabs it. They're falling downwards, Misty vows to save Marill, but then, they get saved by Chikorita's Vine Whip! It's Ash and co!! Chikorita Razor Leaf's the hand holding Pikachu, and he's freed. Jessie and James send out Weezing and Arbok, and Misty sends out Poliwag. Weezing uses Smog, and Arbok uses Poison Sting, but then Marill uses Water Gun and deflects the Poison Sting, then Pikachu attacks with Thundershock, blowing T-Rocket away. Brock bids farewell to Willemina, and Misty says farewell to Marill. They drive off. Marill is sad to leave, and Misty is sad to see it go. And that's the end of the episode.

- Lance


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