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Pokemon Episode Number 14
At the beginning of this episode, ash,
misty, and brock finally reach vermilion city.they see that pikachu is
weak from hunger, so they bring him and all of ash’s pokemon 2 the
pokemon center. while they r at the pokemon center they see a ratatta
being rushed in. they r told that the ratatta was beaten by the gym
leader, lt. surge.when pikachu is better, ash calls him and tells him
they r going 2 go to lt. surge. pikachu starts to follow,but then a
pidgey is rushed in who was also beaten by surge.
pikachu and ash get into a fight
because now pikachu doesnt want to fight surge, but they end up going
anyway.so they go to the gym and when surge sees them he laughs and
makes fun of them.ash asked why so surge showed ash his pokemon-a
raichu.pikachu went into battle with raichu and got completely beaten
up because raichus electrical attacks were much more powerful.back in
the pokemon center, ash,misty and brock talk about how pikachu can win
and they come up short. then nurse joy comes in and she has a
thunderstone.she said ash could evolve pikachu so he can win.ash
doesnt know what to do because he wants to win the badge but likes the
way pikachu is now. he holds the thunderstone up to pikachu and asks
him what he wants to do. pikachu stares at ash with wide eyes and then
angrily kicks the stone away. he said he wants to beat raichu the way
he is. then he goes back to sleep so he can finish recovering.
in the waiting room, brock points out
that surge said he evolved raichu as soon as he got it. he has an idea
of how pikachu can win. so ash challenges surge again and the pokemon
battle again. at first it looks like raichu is going to win again, but
then when raichu starts to finish pikachu off with a body slam,
pikachu jumps out of the way. ash tells pikachu to use agility.raichu
kept trying to hit min but pikachu was too fast.what brock had
realized was that if raichu evolved as soon as he was captured,then he
never learned speed attacks only pikachu could.in the end, raichu ran
out of electricity and was too slow for pikachu so pikachu won.
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