Pokemon Episode Number 16
Episode 16 - Pokemon Shipwreck
Ok, this is a little description of the
episode "Pokémon Shipwreck".
Ash and gang are still took in the
sunken ship, but there is no water inside! The ship is only
upside down. With the help of their Pokémon,they will find out that
Team Rocket made a hole to escape but they couldn't so water
flowed. Finally,they get out of the ship and go onto a safe
platform.They think Jessie and James are dead so they push them in
water. Then Meowth wake up and say his feelings about wet fur...
"Help me,my fur is getting wiiiiideeeee!"
James take out his useless Magikarp and
everyone wants to eat it, but Meowth find that it cannot even be
ate! James is so angry that he kick him in water and evolves in
Gyarados, which send them in a water spout with Dragon Rage...
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