Pokemon Episode Number 17
Episode 17, Island of the Giant Pokemon
Island of the giant Pokemon
This episode starts off showing Ash, Misty, and Brock on a beach,
after they
had been tossed around by Gyarados' Dragon Rage in the previous
episode. All
three wake up and Ash realizes that he only has two of his Pokeballs
Then it shows Jesse and James. They have lost their Pokemon as
well. Then it
cuts to Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle.
They realize that
they've been separated and they think their masters have deserted
them. This
group ends up running into Ekans, Koffing, and Meowth. Meowth
does the Team
Rocket motto by himself and wants to fight. They end up not
Both trainer and Pokemon are trying to find their way back to each
other. Each
group comes across some huge Pokemon on the way. Come to find
out, they are
all mechanical Pokemon, created by someone!
In the end Ash, Misty, Brock, Jesse, James, and all the Pokemon
end up in a
mine cart, pulling all these mechanical Pokemon behind them.
They fly through
the air, busting through a mechanical Zapdos. They all land in
the water. The
Zapdos comes crashing down, blowing up all of the other mechanical
The last scene shows the owner of 'Pokemon Island' on the phone,
being told
that Pokemon Island was destroyed. The owner is none other
than Giovanni!
By: Steve Mullins
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