# 204 - Mother Miltank – Desert Secret!
Ash and co continue heading to Olivine, and find out
the road is longer than expected. Ash and Pikachu
fall into a hall, and realize it has been made by
Team Rocket!
As it really has, as they fly over in their Meowth
balloon. Misty and Brock help Ash and Pikachu out,
and Ash sends out Cyndaquil to fight.
James sends out his Weezing, wich uses a big
Explosion, knocking out Cyndquil!
The Explosion is so big, that Team Rocket blasts off,
as well does Cyndaquil.
Ash and co follow quickly after Cyndaquil, but seem not
to find it anymore. Brock tells them to go to the Pokémon
Center to think.
There, Nurse Joy tells them there is a Pokémon sanctuary
nearby, all cared by Pokémon themselves.
Ash goes to find it, and Brock and Misty follow, only Nurse
Joy realizes she hasn't told them yet where to find it!
Meanwhile, Cyndaquil wakes up, knocked out. He is spotted
by a Sandshrew and a Butterfree. Cyndaquil wakes up, but
collapse immediately after. A Dugtrio dig Cyndaquil up, and
seem to bring him somewhere.
Team Rocket wakes up too, and complain about their defeat.
They spot the Dugtrio with Cyndaquil and decide to go after it.
They don't want any trouble with Dugtrio and throw Meowth into
it. Meowth lands out its face, nearby the Dugtrio, and faints out.
Another Dugtrio shows up and carries Meowth along with Cyndaquil
as well. Jessie and James decide to follow them. They make it to
the sanctuary, wich is guarded by two Exeggutor. The Dugtrio are
allowed in and Jessie and James decide to follow them.
Exeggutor gets mad and uses Hypnosis that makes Jessie and James
walk away.
In the sanctuary, a Miltank appears and takes care of Meowth and
Cyndaquil. His tail lights up and becomes blue, wich somehow heals
both Meowth and Cyndaquil!
Outside, Ash and co are passed by the hypnotised Jessie and James, who
just walk away. Ash decides to take the road wich Team Rocket came from
and make it to the sanctuary. Brock spots the two Exeggutor and realizes
they must put an Hypnosis to Jessie and James and doesn't want to get
Hypnotised too. He sends out his Onix, who Digs in a hole and Ash and co
follow it through.
Meanwhile, Jessie and James have hit a big stone and wake up from
their Hypnosis. They get angry for being defeated like that and decide
to back and steel the other Pokémon.
Ash and co have found the sanctuary, but are hunted away by angry
Beedrill, Pidgeotto and Krabby. Ash can pass them through, though,
and makes it to his Cyndaquil. He wants to take him, but more Pokémon
try to hunt him away.
Team Rocket drops in and send out Arbok and Weezing to defeat all the
Pokémon, including the Miltank. Meowth tells them not to harm Miltank,
as she took care of him. The two Pokémon listen to Meowth and decide not
to listen anymore to their trainers. Team Rocket calls their Pokémon back,
and use a net to capture the Miltank. They head off in their balloon.
Ash tells Cyndaquil to use Flamethrower, wich is so powerful now that it
blasts off Team Rocket and even drop the net.
Ash sends out Bayleef, who uses Vine Whip and cuts the net open, freeing
the Miltank.
Miltank gives Ash his Cyndaquil back and is happy of course.
They say goodbye from all the Pokémon and continue towart Olivine...