Episode #434 The Dunsparce Deception
Summary for "The Dunsparce Deception"
By Steven Reich
Episode Title Origin: It's alliteration-repetitive use of starting sounds.
Our Heroes meet up with Bucky, a kid who is decidedly out of place in his
town. (Special thanks to SD PokéMom for that)
Lah dah dah dah-dah-dah...
Okay, so we go back to town where our friend Bucky is the only kid in town
without a Dunsparce. All he has is a Caterpie, which races against the
Dunsparce and loses. Meanwhile, Team Rocket hatches a plan to get Pika & co..
Basically, they have a steel net, but Cyndaquil melts it, and Team Rocket
gets sent on its way, but they do find a Dunsparce.
So, Team Rocket hatches a plan to catch all the other Dunsparce. They put on
a play (featuring the now-infamous Moltres costume) that doesn't exactly
impress the kiddies, but their post-show trade opportunity (read: scam) does,
and nearly everyone makes the trade. Our heroes walk by, and decide to chase
down the wrongdoers and rectify the situation. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has
basically lost track of all the Dunsparce. Meanwhile, a battle ensues, and
the group of Dunsparce saves the day by defeating Arbok. After that, Bucky
catches his own Dunsparce.
Tag: Our heroes go on the road again. Yay.
Who's that Pokémon: Mew
Moral of the Episode: Greed kills.
Analysis: Boy, that went by fast. Seriously, though, you can't blink with
this one. Not bad, though I feel it was a little heavy on the movie music.
Oh, and Meowth is cute in a Dunsparce costume.
Steven Reich
Webmaster Pokéwatch