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Pokemon Episode Number 6
Clefairy and The Moonstone #6
Who's that Pokemon? Clefairy
After winning the boulder badge from
the Pewter City gym, Ash and Misty are now joined by Brock.
They are travelling toward Mt. Moon. Legend has it that a
meteor crashed into the mountain many years ago, and left a
mysterious rock called the Moon Stone. All of a sudden the
gang hears some screaming. They see zubats attacking someone.
Of course, Ash pulls out the Pokedex to get information, but Misty
screams they must help. Pikachu thundershocks the zubats back
to their cave. The man gets up and gives Ash and Pikachu a big
hug. Pikachu doesn't like it and shocks everyone. The
man, don't call him "mister", is Seymour the Scientist.
He spouts poetry about how good it is to be alive after the attack.
He says he is at Mount Moon to investigate the moon stone. He
believes Pokemon came from outer space and the spaceship was the
They all go in the cave, which has
light strung all over. It is confusing the Pokemon that live
there. Seymour says some troublemakers have put up the lights
and are after the moon stone. It supposedly can increase a
Pokemon's power. At that point, a Clefairy jumps out with
something in its hand. Ash wants to capture it, but Seymour
says he can't. All of a sudden, we see Meowth's shadow, which
frightens the Clefairy. Then Team Rocket appears, using a pick
axe and shovel in their theme routine. Seymour says "They
sure are showoffs" and the gang argues with Team Rocket.
Out comes Koffing and Ekans...and Butterfree and Brock throws a Poke
ball. He has a Zubat that he captured earlier. Butterfree and
Zubat double team and defeat Team Rocket. However, Meowth
escapes. Meanwhile, the Clefairy skips out of the cave with
Misty and Seymour right behind. They try to help it, but it
ends up knocking all of them in the water, Meowth included.
Misty counters with Staru, who fills Meowth up with water. He
literally blasts off..
The gang is resting at sunset. Pikachu and
Clefairy start talking and become friends. They have something
they want to show everyone. They enter a cave that has the
sparkling moonstone. The Clefairy lays a fragment at the base
and all the Clefairy come out and start singing and dancing around
the stone. Pikachu and Clefairy talk and the gang tries to
interpret what they say..very funny scene..especially when Ash
thinks they are saying the Clefairy collect rocks and do the
Of course, Team Rocket spoils the fun. A
terrified Seymor tries to save the moon stone, but he trips on
Meowth's foot and loses his glasses. Out come Ekans and
Koffing. Ash and Brock use Pikachu and Onix, but Koffing's
smokescreen blocks everyone's view. When the smoke clears, the
stone is gone. Team Rocket has the stone tied to a sled, but
Onix manages to make them crash the sled. Seymour and Clefairy
pop out of a hole in the ground. The Clefairy begin waving
their fingers and singing "clefairy". It is the
metronome attack. There is a big explosion with clefairy, moon
stone, and Team Rocket blasting into the air. As the moon
stone pieces float down, they land on some Clefairy who evolve into
Clefable. The Clefairy and Clefable sing and jump around
happily. Seymour decides he wants to live with the Clefairy
and travel with them to outer space.
Our friends leave on their way to Cerulean City.
They see a sign. It says "Gary was here. Ash is a
loser." Ash goes ballistic and runs on to Cerulean City.
by Pokemomma
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