Pokemon Episode Number 7
Episode 7 - Water Flowers of
Cerulean City
Ash starts off talking to Brock. Misty
approaches huffing and puffing. Pikachu is very happy about
this. Misty says, "Where do you think your going?!". Ash
says, "Cerulean City, to earn the cascade badge". Misty
tries her best to change Ash's mind, but can't.
When Ash and Brock get to Cerulean City, Brock tells
Ash where the gym is. Then Brock leaves not telling where he is going.
Ash gets to a gym that has three girls doing a synchronized swimming
event. A ton of people are here watching this. Pikachu replies, PIKA!
Chyuu! Ash goes to the basement. He sees an aquarium. "Pikachu?
this couldn't be a Pokemon Gym" Ash says. The three lovely girls
come around the corner chatting about the diving and and their
"HAIR". it's at this time you find out the girls are valley
girls. Ash talks to them and finds out that they are the gym leaders!
When he challenges them you find out that Gary has been there and beat
all of their Pokemon Bad.
All that they have is a Goldeen, A fish type Pokemon,
and the only move that they can do is it's "horn attack".
They call on their pet Pokemon, A seel, and get A cascade badge out of
his mouth. They say just take this. When Ash tries Misty appears. It
is at this time that you find out that the three girls are sisters and
Misty is the fourth sister. Misty gets the third degree about
saying before she left she would become a great Pokemon master. She
challenges Ash and pulls a Staryu. Ash tries to use Pikachu but
Pikachu loves Misty and so he won't go. So Ash pulls a Butterfree.
Misty ends up beating Butterfree by pulling it in the water. Ash
calls it back and Throws a Pidgeotto and Misty calls on her Starmie.
Ash is winning when Team Rocket breaks in and sucks up
all the water. Ash loses Pikachu in the flood and seel gets
taken. Pikachu does a Thunderbolt attack and shock the heck out of
Team Rocket. Team Rocket "Blasts off Again". The three
sisters give Ash the badge saying that Ash earned it. When Misty asks
why she didn't get one the sisters say that if Ash had used Pikachu
from the start she would have lost. With a good bye Ash, Misty, and
Brock head out. Ash now has two badges pinned to his vest.
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