Pokemon Episode Number 8
Who's that Pokemon: Sandshrew
This episode starts out with Ash using Pidgeotto
to defeat a young trainers Rattata. It was his tenth win. After he
wins, he shows the trainer his two badges, and starts bragging.
Misty and Brock seem to get disgusted, because they know he didn't
earn them.
When the young trainer sees the badges, he says
that Ash could maybe beat A.J. Ash says,"Who's A.J.?"
The trainer points to the local gym and tells Ash
that that A.J. is the local gym leader. Ash thinks that he can beat
him, so he goes to challenge A.J. On his way there, he notices that
it isn't an official gym. He thinks A.J. will be easy for him to
beat. There is a sign in front of A.J.'s gym that says,"Wins:
98 Losses:0."
Ash challenges A.J. The arena is outside and has
dirt spread over it. A.J. accepts the challenge.
Ash taunts A.J. and says,"Wow, 98 wins and
no badges. I've only got ten wins, and I already have two
A.J. answers back by saying,"Either those
are fake badges, or you competed in some really loser gyms."
Misty and Brock are furious. They begin to
get red in the face. They want Ash to whoop A.J. big time.
The match begins. A.J. says that he's gonna make
Ash his ninety-ninth victory.
Ash chooses Pidgeotto. A.J. chooses a Sandshrew.
They begin to battle. Sandshrew comes at Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto flies
into the air.
Ash taunts A.J. again by saying,"Too bad
Sandshrew can't fly!"
But Sandshrew rolls up in a ball and flies at
Pidgeotto, making Pidgeotto faint. Ash's Butterfree loses just as
quick, and because Pikachu refuses to battle, A.J. gets his
ninety-ninth win.
Now Ash is complaining, saying that it was
rigged. Meanwhile, we see Team Rocket hiding in the bushes, making
fun or A.J.'s clothes. Meowth says that at least he doesn't look
like he is trick-or-treating, like Jesse and James, and Jesse bonks
him on the head. They consider stealing Sandshrew, but don't because
it's too heavy. They decide to try for Pikachu again.
Ash walks into the gym. He sees A.J. training his
Pokemon very hard. A.J. even makes Sandshrew go off of a diving
board into a pool. Ash tackles A.J., throwing them both into the
pool. Ash says A.J. shouldn't make Sandshrew go in water because it
weakens him. A.J. shows Ash that Sandshrew can swim. It's that
strong. All the other Pokemon are busy training. A.J. has three
Rattatas, a Beedrill, a Butterfree, and of course, Sandshrew. A.J.
lets his Pokemon have a ten minute break from training, so he can
show Brock what kind of food he gives his Pokemon. Meanwhile,
Pikachu gets stuck in one of these strenghth intensifier vests that
A.J. makes his Pokemon wear.
T.R. sneaks in inside a giant ball. They feel around
for Pikachu, but accidntally steal Sandshrew. When A.J. comes back
he helps Pikachu get out of the vest. But where's Sandshrew? A.J.
goes crazy, and there is a few flashbacks of A.J. training Sandshrew,
and saying that it was his first Pokemon. T.R. returns, realizing
their mistake. They recite their motto, and A.J. challenges them
because they said they didn't want A.J.'s second-rate Sandshrew.
They give Sandshrew back.
A.J. challenges them to a battle by saying,"
Team Rocket has insulted our gym. We'll answer them with our one-hundreth
He easily defeats T.R. making them blast off. He
gets his one-hundreth win and celebrates. "Now we can go for
our badges!" he tells Sandshrew.
The episode ends as Ash and A.J. go their
seperate ways.
Misty says,"Well Ash, it looks like you got
a new rival."
"I hope to see you again one day, at Pokemon
League," says Ash.
To Be Continued...
I give it three out of four stars. It was a good episode, but got
boring halfway through for me. I liked it however.
Charles Bond
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