Saturday, March 22, 2025

MTG Card of the Day

Pojo’s Magic: The Gathering Card of the Day has been updated daily since November 2001.  We have reviewed over 4,000 MTG cards over the last 17 years!

Mirkwood Bats

Mirkwood Bats – MTG Card of the Day – LOTR

Mirkwood Bats - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 27, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 2.0 Casual: 4.25 Limited: 3.63 Multiplayer: 4.0  Commander : 4.25 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5...
Frodo Baggins

Frodo Baggins – MTG Lord of the Rings COTD

Frodo Baggins - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 26, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 3.0 Casual: 4.0 Limited: 3.5 Multiplayer: 3.5  Commander : 3.5 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5...
Orcish Bowmasters

Orcish Bowmasters – MTG Card of the Day – LOTR

Orcish Bowmasters - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 23, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 4.63 Casual: 5.00 Limited: 3.50 Multiplayer: 4.50 Commander : 4.63 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5...

Channel – MTG Throwback Thursday (1993)

Channel - Alpha Date Reviewed:  June 22, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 5.00 Casual: 5.00 Limited: 2.00 Multiplayer: 3.75 Commander : Banned Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is bad....
Aragorn, the Uniter

Aragorn, the Uniter – MTG Lord of the Rings COTD

Aragorn, the Uniter - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 21, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 3.13 Casual: 4.25 Limited: 3.13 Multiplayer: 3.75 Commander : 4.25 Ratings are based on a 1 to...
Gandalf the White

Gandalf the White – MTG Lord of the Rings COTD

Gandalf the White - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 20, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 3.00 Casual: 4.50 Limited: 4.00 Multiplayer: 3.88  Commander : 4.00 Ratings are based on a 1 to...
Stern Scolding

Stern Scolding – MTG Lord of the Rings COTD

Stern Scolding - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 19, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 4.38 Casual: 3.25 Limited: 3.00 Multiplayer: 3.00 Commander : 3.00 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5...
Sauron, the Dark Lord

Sauron, the Dark Lord – MTG LOTR Card of the Day

Sauron, the Dark Lord - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 16, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 3.00 Casual: 4.75 Limited: 5.00 Multiplayer: 4.25 Commander : 4.50 Ratings are based on a...
Ghastlord of Fugue

Ghastlord of Fugue – MTG Throwback Thursday (2008)

Ghastlord of Fugue - Shadowmoor Date Reviewed:  June 15, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 2.0 Casual: 4.0 Limited: 4.0 Multiplayer: 3.25 Commander : 3.5 Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1...
Delighted Halfling

Delighted Halfling – MTG Lord of the Rings COTD

Delighted Halfling - LOTR: TALES OF MIDDLE-EARTH Date Reviewed:  June 14, 2023 Ratings: Constructed: 4.13 Casual: 4.25 Limited: 4.13 Multiplayer: 3.88  Commander : 4.38 Ratings are based on a 1 to...