Tips for Buying Studio Monitors (Reference Speakers)
What are studio monitors?
They're also sometimes called reference speakers or loudspeakers. They are speakers designed for monitoring mixes of songs, instruments, vocals, and...
Cheap Kick-Ass Ryzen APU Gaming PC Build
Budget Gaming PC Build for $400!
You can make this gaming PC for under $500
Ryzen 3 2200G offers a good CPU, integrated graphics that are...
Quick Tips for Buying an Office or Gaming Mousepad (Audio)
Tips for Buying a Mousepad
Quick Review of the $10 Chmoo World Map XXL Mousepad
Amazon link to the product (we are not affiliated in any way...
Blue Yeti USB Microphone Review (Audio Review)
This audio review was recorded on a Blue Yeti microphone.
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[Desktop CPU Review] AMD Ryzen 2200G & 2400g
Audio Review of both CPU's (~2 minute length):
These are the specs reported by Eurogamer:
And gaming performance (at 900p):
Audio Interface Review: Scarlett Focusrite
The Scarlett Focusrite is one of the most commonly recommended Audio Interfaces recommended for beginners doing music and/or other audio work. After owning it...
Dirt Cheap PC Build (2018)
This article is for those who want to build a PC on a limited budget of $300. This build would be a great productivity/school/work...
Ultimate $10,000 PC Build?
This PC build list is for imaginary extravagance rather than practical application. Building this list in 2018 would cost an insane amount of money. ...
Simple Step-By-Step PC Building Guide – In-Order
How to Build a PC - Step by Step
Before Working Inside of The Case
1) Remove both side panels of the case (and other removable panels...
How to Vastly Improve Mic and Speaker Quality
How do you improve the quality of the audio that you record and the audio that you listen to from speakers? By improving the...