Yugioh vs. Magic the Gathering – What’s are the differences?
I originally wrote this article in late 2013 after having conversations with people as to why Magic players look down upon Yugioh. I ended...
Deconstructing the Warrior Toolbox
In Goat Format, there’s a concept known as the “Warrior Toolbox” that you’ve likely seen before. If you’re into the history of the format,...
Building the Gauntlet: Gravekeepers
This article is going to be a little bit different than my other Gauntlet articles. It’s not going to be just an article about...
The Mistakes we Make (And How to Fix Them) – YuGiOh!
Everyone makes mistakes - they’re a part of life. All of us hate making them, of course, but we all make our fair share....
Fringe of the Format – Part I – YuGiOh
One of the coolest parts of Goat Format, in my opinion, is the limited card pool that we can work with. There are only...
Building the Gauntlet – Dimension Fusion Turbo
Dimension Fusion Turbo is a powerful deck that has made waves in modern Goat Format. It takes theory and strategy honed by over a...
Jaelove’s Journey and Pook’s Place
Shout out to the previous featured writers who held down the fort. This article was me as a new Pojo writer expressing gratitude to...
Overcoming Nostalgia Bias
This was the last article I wrote in 2014 before taking a hiatus from the site and Yugioh for a bit. After this point,...
The Pervasion of Technology
This is a combination of two short articles I wrote about Yugioh and technology over time.
The Information Age
Ban lists went from happening twice per...
From Gargoyles to Anthropomorphic Airplanes
I don't have much to add on this old article about cards becoming more cartoony and less scary over the years. I just want...