Waboku – Yugioh COTD
Throwback Thursday
- #YSYR-EN039
You take no battle damage from your opponent's monsters this turn. Your monsters cannot be destroyed by battle this turn.
Card Rating
Advanced: 3.08
Dark Magician – Yugioh Card of the Day
Dark Magician
- #YUCB-EN001
Card Rating
Advanced: 3.17
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale - 1 is Horrible. 3 is Average. 5 is the highest rating.
Dark Paladin – Yugioh COTD
Dark Paladin
- #DPYG-EN016
"Dark Magician" + "Buster Blader" Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. During either player's turn, when...
On Getting Goat Format Tournaments at Your LGS
Are you one of the many people who want to play Goat Format in a competitive, live tournament, but lack anywhere to play it?...
Number 71: Rebarian Shark – #CT14-EN005
Number 71: Rebarian Shark
- #CT14-EN005
2 Level 3 monsters Once per turn, if this card has material: You can target 1 "Number" Xyz Monster in...
Dreamland – Yugioh COTD
- #CT14-EN006
This card can activate these effects depending on the monster card types on the field. ● Fusion: Once per turn, if a...
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison – Yugioh COTD
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison
- #CT14-EN008
2 Level 8 monsters Gains 100 ATK and DEF for each monster in the GYs. Once per turn: You...
Elder Entity Ntss – Yugioh COTD
Elder Entity Ntss
- #CT14-EN009
1 Synchro Monster + 1 Xyz Monster Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending the above cards you...
Proxy Dragon – Yugioh card of the day
Proxy Dragon
- #CT14-EN003
2 monsters If a card(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can destroy 1 of your monsters...
Parry Knights – Yugioh COTD
Parry Knights
- #COTD-EN037
When you take battle damage from an opponent's attacking monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, then you can Special...