– Sword and Shield
Date Reviewed:
July 3, 2020
Ratings Summary:
Standard: See Below
Expanded: See Below
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is horrible. 3 is average. 5 is great.
Reviews Below:
Otaku Another abridged review, I’m afraid. Centiskorch doesn’t really have a claim to fame, but its first attack comes close. With a printed cost of [R], for each [R] Energy attached to Centiskorch, its “Hundred Foot Flames” attack lets you discard a card from the top of your opponent’s deck. While this offers the potential of massive mill, I don’t think it will happen all that often; 130 HP doesn’t go far. To the point I can’t help but wonder if a Fire-based mill deck would be better off with Moltres (SM – Team Up 19/181). Its “Top Burner” attack is similar to Hundred Foot Flames, but requires you discard all attached [R] Energy when used. If neither is likely to survive, why use a Stage 1 to do the same thing as a Basic? Moltres has a stronger secondary attack, though technically it is more expensive due to self-discarding and fewer [C] Energy requirements. Which probably won’t matter, given we’re discussing hypothetical, Fire-focused mill decks. Neither card is a great prospect, even if you combo them with extensive Energy acceleration. Such a setup can yield amazing damage with different attacks… and if you really want to go for mill, then something like Oranguru (SM – Ultra Prism 114/156) is more useful. No, it doesn’t discard from your opponent’s deck itself; instead, you use its attack to keep recycling Trainer cards like Bellelba & Brycen-Man. Sticking to my guns today; no score as this is a mini-review. Yes, for me this is short. XD
Vince Coming Soon |
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