Master Trainer Pat and Dark Master Trainer Steve (he's no longer an apprentice any more, congratulations to him) were running the Chat today. Since MTM & DMTM were both gone, there wasn't much new info on the various programs this week. But there's always something new to be found even so.
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #95 from bigdaddysnorlax:
Since you can't answer questions about Expedition,
why don't you just tell us everything you know about it?
master_trainer_pat says, "It's due to be
released Sept 16th...It's got some tweaked versions of older cards, such as an
Energy Removal that requires a flip to use. There
are new versions of many popular Pokemon from the past, such as Feraligatr,
Venusaur, Alakazam and Blastiose. There are
new 'trainer-type cards called Supporters(I think). I
think there are about 75 to 100 cards in it. Really
that is all I know."
master_trainer_pat says, "Oh wait, the cards also have bar codes that will work with this little electronic reader that Nintendo is making. I saw MT Mike playing with one the other day. One function was a little electronic coin flipper, one was a little video game (when you swiped certain cards in succession) and one was a little cartoon."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with
question #115 from chrisbo:
Has there been any talk about whether the
"Chansey coin flipper" game from Card-E will be legal for tournament
play like the Electro-Flip?
darkmaster_steve says, "There has been
discussion, but there hasn't been a definite answer just yet."
master_trainer_pat says, "I really hope not,
only because it takes soooo long to actually flip and it would create an
unwelcome disturbance at tournaments."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #117 from steel_claw:
I know the Japanese foil E-cards don't have bar
codes, will the English ones have it?
master_trainer_pat says, "No."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with
question #112 from bullet_anti_ptco:
Will Expedition have a foil in every pack?
darkmaster_steve says, "I don't know
master_trainer_pat says, "We have heard that
there will be a foil in every pack of Expedition, but we can't confirm yet
because we have not opened any packs ourselves."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with
question #99 from lord_schweizer:
what is battlezone?
darkmaster_steve says, "It is very much like
the league, a little smaller, and more self contained,"
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #100 from lord_schweizer:
how long has battlezone been out? / when is
battlezone coming out?
master_trainer_pat says, "It's not out yet, I
think the first kits should go out after Season 8 for this year ends."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #97 from sd_pokemom:
once battlezone is being shipped, does that mean
we won't be able to get League kits anymore? we are behind in our kits, so
this would mean we'd miss out on some seasons completely....:-(
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm really not sure on that one SD_Pokemom"
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #96 from bullet_anti_ptco:
Is Season 8 Promo Energy Recycle Energy?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, it is."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with
question #127 from pigdeon_of_death:
Technically, would you be able to use the new
Promo Snorlax in a tournament right now???
darkmaster_steve says, "yes, if you have
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with
question #119 from bullet_anti_ptco:
Any Idea about Promo #50 after the Snorlax promo?
master_trainer_pat says, "Nothing yet"
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with
question #120 from jermy101:
Why were promos 1-20 banned and when is that rule
darkmaster_steve says, "The same reason that
we make the modified type tournaments, to keep the game moving forward and
keep it changing."
master_trainer_pat says, "Just because they are harder to come by these days for all players. They will not be allowed starting on Sept. 1st"
[CHRISBO NOTE: This only applies for Modified format; Promos 1-20 are still legal in Unlimited format.]