
December 13, 2002 - by CHRISBO

Well folks, BattleZones are gearing up all over, and there are rumors of a "Super Battle Zone" something coming in early-February (more details to come hopefully next week).  But more than that, it looks like another card has bitten the dust in Modified Format (effective Jan 3, 2003).

Read on my friends,


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #89 from steelixownzu:
Is there anywhere I can go to find the latest team rules?
master_trainer_mike says, "That leads into something to tell you about. We will be posting updated Pokemon Floor rules on our web site on Jan 1, 2003. All errors will be corrected, Team Rules will be updated"

master_trainer_mike says, "AND"
master_trainer_mike says, "Slowking (Neo Genesis) will be BANNED from Modified starting on Jan 1, 2003 as well! Whaddaya think o' that?!?!?!"

master_trainer_mike smiles.
darkmt_mike shakes his head.
darkmt_mike smirks.
master_trainer_mike says, "This, of course, means that it will no longer be playable in Team Constructed either (as that uses the current Modified format). Of course, it can still be used in Unlimited and Limited events."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #95 from enik_the_sleestak:
is that really necessary to ban neo1 slowking? what about making it restricted to 1 or something less drastic?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes it is. Japan has wanted us to remove this card for a long time now. By banning it, we solve several rules problems and make our licensor happy."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #103 from jackiej:
RE:89: whew! I was afraid slowking would rip my deck apart. anyway, any new news on Challenge Series?
master_trainer_mike says, "There was too much worry about Slowking, he was stagnating the field, so now he can keep Sneasel company. No news on Challenge series at this time."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #146 from toysruskid:
Why not add Cleffa,Tyrouge to the banned list?
darkmt_mike says, "They will cry... They're Babies."
master_trainer_mike says, "Because 1, they don't cause as many problems, 2 Japan isn't angry with those cards, and 3, decks are not built around them (or counter to them)."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #147 from tehairyclefairy:
MTM/DMTM in your playtesting did you find Slowking too strong with the cards expected from Aquapolis? I was mebbie thinking Warp Point and how broken swarms would be with the King (is dead)

master_trainer_mike says, "There are many reasons for a card being banned. Japan wanted this card gone."



master_trainer_mike says, "By the way, just wanted to pass along that there are now over 200 BattleZone sites in December. Another close to 500 will start in January. We are getting inquiries about running BattleZone in Argentina, Dominican Republic, and many other places around the world. There are almost 600 Professors, almost 100 Delegates signed up so far. Who says Pokemon is dead?????"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #164 from wizo_pokemom:
re the number of Battlezone sites: how does that compare to the number of leagues?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well, Year 3 ended with a little over 600 locations. So BattleZone will start with more in January and we will help make it grow, right? :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #94 from bodragon:
I have been hearing something about a Super BattleZone. Is this a rumor?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, info on this will appear on the web site soon. Keep Feb 1st open though."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #98 from marril2000:
hey mike, I was wondering if you had any more information for Super BattleZone? are the rumors true that it is replacing the Challenge Series (which may harm the playing field over here in New England :/)

master_trainer_mike says, "It is NOT replacing the Challenge series. Geez, we find some extra budget and decide to throw some extra stuff your way and the rumors start already........"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #149 from mysticzapdos_x:
Will the winners of Super Battlezone get invitations or trips to Worlds? (or be connected in anyway to Worlds for that matter)

master_trainer_mike says, "It is not connected to Worlds or the Challenge series. It is just another opportunity for you to play and earn cool stuff."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #110 from michel1be:
Will Europe have Super Battle Zone too ?
master_trainer_mike says, "That is up to them. We were able to squeeze it in. I don't know if they have the budget or not."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #123 from pokemonfighter:
what is the next battle zone promo
master_trainer_mike says, "No more early leaks, sorry. The January kits will ship out soon though. So, to be clear, the new BattleZone kits for January can be used starting Jan 1st. So the promo in that kit becomes tournament legal starting Jan 1st, m'kay?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #130 from chrisbo:
Will the January BattleZone kits have a different promo than the December kits?
master_trainer_mike says, "Of course!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #165 from nopoke59:
any chance of some cryptic clues as to the identity of winner promo #2
master_trainer_mike says, "And I think it's going to be a long long time..........."
darkmt_mike says, "Good clue!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #90 from farbsman:
MTM, did you plan on listing the professors you received Delegate sheets from on Wizpog and where they planned on visiting?

master_trainer_mike says, "I will post the Delegate list on the Professor email list soon. I will only post locations that have been reported on. Otherwise, Professors could tell me they were going to go someplace and then never go."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #134 from pokesensei:
Delegate shirts...to make sure on what you said before. Professors running BZ 3 months in a row will also get them?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #137 from pokesensei:
Will you be keeping track to those people(the BZ site) and send them automatically?
master_trainer_mike says, "You MUST send in complete forms (if it is run as leagues) or be listed as the TO or head judge if it is sanctioned.  You don't submit, we must acquit!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #128 from jackiej:
what's the best way too encourage a Wal-Mart store to run BZ?
master_trainer_mike says, "The same way you encourage any store. Tell them what the program is like, mention how many players there are in your area, you could always volunteer to help run it, etc."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #139 from gym_leader_blaine:
what if another professor signed a store up to be their delegate and introduce the program to them, but you have talked with the owner a couple weeks before that about being the delegate and running tournaments for them? Can you still run the battlezone tournaments and the league even if you were not their delegate?

master_trainer_mike says, "Yes, the Delegate [only] explains the program to the store. Anyone can actually run the programs."



master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #108 from enik_the_sleestak:
any news on estimated release date for aquapolis?
darkmt_mike says, "Sometime in January."



