The first list of locations for Super Battle Zone II (for Skyridge) has been posted on WOTC's website; there are currently around 40 or so locations, but there are still a few more still to be announced. Also, it looks like the release of Skyridge will be in early-May now. And don't forget Origins & GenCon gaming conventions in June & July.
master_trainer_mike says, "Hopefully you have all been checking out the web site for the locations and dates for the next Super BatleZone; a few locations still being worked out, but most of them are already posted"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1043 from trekiev:
will Los Angeles get another SBZ?
master_trainer_mike says, "Still working on
finding some last locations, so possibly."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1059 from lepi1962:
Jumbo Buzz again at SBZ? Are 3 promos new or old?
master_trainer_mike says, "Jumbo Buzz is ONLY
available through the SBZs, so yes. Older
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1073 from soslowpoke:
Will the older promos for SBZ be ones that were
widely released (like league promos) or a rarer one like Lucky Stadium was?
master_trainer_mike says, "Wait and see"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1072 from marril2000:
just wondering, will the Super BattleZone
II kits have a new SBZ banner? if yes, will it
look different?
master_trainer_mike says, "Same design"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1063 from trekiev:
my store was told they couldn't get a direct sales
account because they only had one table indoors, and tables outdoors, what's
up with that?
master_trainer_mike says, "Because that is insufficient space??? Direct Sale accounts have nothing to do with play space, they have to do with financial issues. If they were turned down, it was for reasons they probably don't want to share with you."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1108 from gym_leader_blaine:
I know there is a SBZ for Skyridge and LCII. Will
there be one for jamboree?
master_trainer_mike says, "I hope to have SBZ's
for LC2 and Jamboree. If I can, I will."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1057 from pokemonbigguy:
When is the release date for Skyridge and have you
guys translated the supporter card "Prophet" as it was in japanese or is it
changed. The original translation states (loosely) Search your deck for any 2
cards and put them aside, shuffle your deck and
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok slow down. First of all Skyridge looks like early May but I don't have an exact date. I have not heard anything about Prophet, sorry"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1082 from lepi1962:
Is Skyridge bigger or smaller set than Aquapolis?
master_trainer_mike says, "'About the same size I
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1102 from basictrainer007:
Are there going to be box toppers in skyridge? How
about the upcoming sets?
master_trainer_mike says, "yes and wait and see"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1100 from basictrainer007:
I heard there is only three crystal pokemon in
skyridge. I thought skyridge was E-card 4 and 5 combines. If that was true,
then wouldn't there be 6 crystal pokemon? Any clues on where they might show?
master_trainer_mike says, "why don't you wait until the product is released?"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1079 from soslowpoke:
When are projected LC II/ Jamboree release dates?
master_trainer_mike says, "No idea"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1104 from dark pinsir:
will the R/S Pokémon be relased in Skyridge?, or
will we'll see just the "old" 251 Pokémon?
master_trainer_mike says, "we did not get the
licensing rights to the Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1074 from pokemonbigguy:
how is it going to work when nintendo releases
pokemon tcg in june and wotc is still making pokemon, will the mtms be going
around to play in nintendos op if any
master_trainer_mike says, "Absolutely no idea gang. Nintendo has not told us any of their plans as of yet."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1093 from bluetoise:
Any news about the organized play & prof. program
after Nintendo taking over?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, they have not
talked to us about it"
master_trainer_mike says, "BTW, for the international viewers, I am sending back some similar prize support to the UK for their upcoming Gen Con events and will be sending out materials to support upcoming events in the UK, Europe, and Australia. So if you can't make it to Origins or the US Gen Con you will get your chance to pay in the events they are holding as well"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1085 from dark pinsir:
I would like to know the approximate date for
Origins/GenCon, because I would like to go there.
master_trainer_mike says, "Details on the Cons are
available on our web site. Just go to and then click on the
events tab on top. There are links for both
of these under conventions."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1053 from marril2000:
hey mike, a week or two ago you mentioned some
kind of pokemon league at Origins/GenCon. i was wondering if this was being
run by wizards or Mike Guptil? if by wizards, do you need any professor help?
master_trainer_mike says, "I will be running the same sort of League that we ran in the past at these cons and I will DEFINATELY need some help with it (I will be very busy). I will be looking for volunteers at these Cons, so find the league area and let me know if you are up for helping."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1068 from soslowpoke:
If we're already judging for Mike Guptil at
GenCon/Origins will we still get goodies? (I'll offer to help when i'm not
judging anyway thought ^_^)
master_trainer_mike says, "You have talk with Mike, you are his staff not mine."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1081 from marril2000:
mike, i am willing to offer assistance at the
League at the events once i finalize some plane tickets. is there going to be
some kind of formal sign up to work or is going to be show up and offer? also
is it going to be run the entire time during each
master_trainer_mike says, "It will be most likely run just like it was last time. Usually Noon - 8pm or so on Friday and 10 am - 9pm or so Saturday and less hours on Sunday. Staff specifics have not been done here internally so I don't know how much help I have yet. I do know that we used volunteers last year and I'm sure I will need them this year as well. There will be no formal sign up process though; just find the league booth and let me know when you are willing to volunteer."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1086 from m_p_douglas:
What is this Pokemon League thing at the
convention??????? Teaching beginners how to play?
master_trainer_mike says, "This has been talked
about for months now. We have run a league (allowing and rewarding casual
play) for the last 3 years.
This gives you something to do while waiting in
between events. League at these conventions costs 5.00. You get a badge and
can earn Pokemon and promo cards. Similar to what we do for the Arena league
there each year."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #1094 from marril2000:
Mike, will the league at GenCon/Origins involve
those crazy green star stampers by any chance? (hopes they will) :D
master_trainer_mike says, "you will NEVER see us
use those crazy green stampers again"