While we were at Gen Con last week, we stopped by the iello Gaming Booth and bought a copy of this sweet looking Cybertooth Monster Pack for our King of Tokyo and King of New York Board Games. This is the 4th in their series of King of Tokyo Monster Packs. Previous Monster Packs have included: Cthulhu; Anubis and King Kong.
The Cybertooth Monster Packs were completely sold out at Gen Con by Friday afternoon. But have no Fear, these Cybertooth Monster Packs will be available in most game stores later this month. The MSRP for these Monster Packs is $9.99.
Here are the details on this new Monster Pack from iello:
Cybertooth – a giant two-legged robot that can transform into a fearsome sabertoothed tiger – is about to hit the town! Infused with the power of the ancient berserkers, Cybertooth will settle for nothing less than the tiger’s share! Will you, too, succumb to the berserker fury?
The Cybertooth Monster Pack introduces a new game component: the berserk die! You can use the berserk die in your games even if you play without Evolution cards or are not playing with Cybertooth.
Let’s have a look at what’s inside:

- 1 Cybertooth Monster Board
- 2 Cardboard figures and stands
- 1 Berserk die
- 6 Berserk tokens
- 1 Transformation card
- 8 Evolutions for King of Tokyo
- 8 Evolutions for King of New York
- 1 Rulebook
Here is a closer look at the components:
We haven’t had time to play a game of King of Tokyo with this new Monster Pack. Once we do some playtesting, we will add a review. As for the components, they look awesome. The cards and figures are the same high quality stock you expect from iello games. And the Berserk die looks like it add a new fun factor to the King of Tokyo game.