Who here loves some good World Legacy lore? Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G back here again with another What You Should Know, this time on the Dark Neostorm main booster set. This set follows the trend of the last few and now focuses on Xyz Summoning in the VRAINS era, but it still has some Ritual, Fusion, and Synchro support to keep every other VRAINS archetype up to date with the summoning mechanics of the past. There’s also a ton of good generic cards in here, some noteworthy imports, and the World Legacy series has a ton of cards to talk about since that story seems to be approaching an end very soon, and we even got legacy support for many different archetypes, even those that haven’t seen support since they were first released, so without further ado, let’s get into Dark Neostorm.
Cyberse Xyz Evolution
The Cyberse cards now have support to help you Xyz Summon, as we probably expected after Cybernetic Horizon, Soul Fusion, and Savage Strike. Firewall Guardian is a Level 4 that can be Special Summoned from the grave if used for a Link Material (but it is banished if it leaves the field) and you can banish Firewall Guardian from the grave when a battle between your Link Monster and an opponent’s Link Monster occurs to negate the attack, make the opponent’s monster ATK become 0 until the end of the turn, and it’s unaffected by effects that isn’t its own. Grid Sweeper is another Level 4 that can be Special Summoned from the hand if there is a face-up Field Spell in the Field Zone and you can banish it from your grave and a Link Monster you control to destroy a card your opponent controls. Firewall eXceed Dragon is the Xyz you’d expect and it’s a generic Rank 4 of any 2+ Level 4 monsters, this Xyz Summoned card gains 500 ATK and
DEF times the Link Rating of Link Monsters that are Linked to this, and once per turn you can detach a material from this to revive any Link-4 Cyberse Link to a zone where it would point to this, but you can’t Special Summon or attack directly for the rest of the turn. Cyberse Reminder is a generic Rank 3 of any 2 Level 3 monsters, can detach a material to add a Cynet Spell/Trap from your graveyard to your hand, and if this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect then you can Special Summon any 2 differently named Level 4 Cyberse monsters from your deck with their effects negated and for the rest of the turn you cannot
Special Summon cards from the Extra Deck except Cyberse monsters when you use either of this card’s effects. Cynet Mining is a Normal Spell that lets you discard a card to search for any Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster. Finally, I’ll talk about the new Salamangreat support since there’s only two cards. Salamangreat Fennec is a Level 3 that can be Special Summoned from the hand or graveyard if a monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck was destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect (but it is banished when it leaves the field) and if Fennec is sent to the graveyard for the Link Summon of a Link-2 or higher Cyberse Link then you can search for any Salamangreat Normal Spell. Salamangreat Recureance is a Normal spell that lets you add 2 Salamangreat monsters with different names from your graveyard to your hand and if this set card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the graveyard then you can search for any Salamangreat Spell/Trap from your deck.
Dinowrestler Adaptation
Next up is another wave of Dinowrestler support. Eskrimamenchi is a Level 6 that can be Normal Summoned without tributing if you control another Dinowrestler monster and if your opponent Special Summons a monster during your turn while this is in the graveyard, then you can target and Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Dinowrestler from your graveyard and add this card to your hand. Dinowrestler Coelasilat is a Level 2 Tuner that once per duel can be Special Summoned from the hand if you control no monsters, but it cannot be used as Link Material except for a Dinowrestler if Special Summoned this way. Dinowrestler Martial Anga is a Level 5 that during damage calculation if your Dinowrestler battles a monster with higher ATK, then you can discard this card to make your monster unable to be destroyed in that battle and end the Battle Phase after the Damage Step and during the End Phase, if this card is in the
graveyard because it was sent there via its effect that turn and your opponent controls more monsters, then you can Special Summon it from the graveyard. Dinowrestler Chimera T Wrextle is a Fusion of a Dinowrestler Link and any other Dinowrestler, prevents the opponent from using Spells/Traps when it battles, deals piercing damage, prevents your opponent from targeting other monsters for attacks, gains 500 ATK when it destroys a monster in battle, and it destroys all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls if it was destroyed via a card effect. Dinowrestler Giga Spinosavate is a Level 8 Synchro of any Dinosaur Tuner and any non-Tuners, prevents your opponent from using Spells/Traps when it battles, prevents your opponent from attacking other monsters, can once per turn target and destroy a monster your opponent controls, and if this face-up card would be destroyed you could instead destroy another card you control. Dinowrestler Terra Parkourio is a Link-2 of any 2 Dinowrestlers, has Up and Left arrows, lets you add a Dinowrestler from your graveyard to your hand if you activate World Dino Wrestling, and if it is sent to the graveyard as Link Material then you can revive any Dinowrestler in your graveyard in Defense Position, but you cannot Special Summon for the rest of the turn except Dinowrestlers. Tyrant Dino Fusion is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you Fusion Summon a Dinowrestler by using monsters you control as material and the first time the Fusion Monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, it isn’t.
Remembering Your Destiny
Just like how last set had Neos support, this set has the return of Destiny HEROs. Destiny HERO – Drawhand is a Level 4 that lets each player draw a card if Special Summoned off a HERO effect and during the next Standby Phase after it is sent to the graveyard, it can be revived from the grave but it is banished when it leaves the field. Destiny HERO – Dominance is a Fusion of any 3 Destiny HEROs, lets you look at the top 5 cards of either player’s deck once per turn during your Main Phase and place them back in any order, lets you draw a card if it destroys a monster in battle, and if this Fusion Summoned card is destroyed, then you can revive any 3 Level 9 or lower Destiny HEROs with different names from your graveyard. Xtra HERO Cross Crusader is a Link-2 of any 2 Warrior Monsters, has Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, revives a
Destiny HERO when Link Summoned, can tribute a Destiny HERO to search for any HERO with a different name than the tributed monster from your deck, and prevents you from Special Summoning any monsters besides HEROs the turn you use either of this card’s effects. Fusion Destiny is a Normal Spell that lets you Fusion Summon any Fusion that lists a Destiny HERO monster as material by using monsters in your hand or deck as material, but for the rest of the turn after it resolves you cannot Special Summon outside of DARK HEROs and the Fusion is destroyed during the End Phase of the next turn. Finally, D – Tactics is a Continuous Trap that can boost your Destiny HERO monsters by 400 ATK during your Standby Phase (even when this leaves the field), can banish a card from your opponent’s hand (at random), field, or graveyard if you Special Summon a Level 8 or higher Destiny HERO or Destiny End Dragoon to your field, and it can search for any Destiny HERO if it is destroyed by a card effect in the Spell/Trap zone.
An Assault of Revenge
For the first time since they debuted in Crimson Crisis and the Yusei Tins in 2009, we see support for Assault Mode cards. Psi-Reflector is a Level 1 Tuner that searches for any Assault Mode Activate or any card that lists Assault Mode Activate in its text that isn’t another Reflector, and lets you reveal an Assault Mode Activate in your hand to revive any monster in the graveyard that lists Assault Mode Activate in the text and raise its Level by up to 4. Assault Sentinel is a Level 4 that can tribute itself to Special Summon from the deck any monster that lists Assault Mode Activate in the text that isn’t another Sentinel and it prevents you from Special Summoning from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn except for Synchros, also you can target a monster you control and reveal a Synchro in your Extra Deck to change the targeted monster’s Type and Attribute to that of the revealed Synchro. T.G. Halberd Cannon/Assault Mode is an Assault
Mode version of the original Halberd Cannon that can only be summoned off Assault Mode Activate by tributing said Halberd Cannon, can once per turn (Quick Effect) negate the summon of an opponent’s monster and banishes it along with every other Special Summoned monster they control as possible, and it revives T.G. Halberd Cannon from the graveyard, ignoring the summoning conditions, when this card is destroyed. Assault Mode Zero is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you tribute a Synchro to Special Summon its corresponding Assault Mode from your hand (summon is treated as being off of Assault Mode Activate) and during your Main Phase can be banished from the graveyard to set an Assault Mode Activate from your hand or deck and allow it to be activated that turn. Finally, Assault Reboot is a Normal Trap that lets you tribute an Assault Mode to Special Summon a different one from the deck in Defense Position, ignoring the summoning conditions, and Reboot can be banished from the graveyard to shuffle back into your deck any Assault Mode Activates or any cards that list Assault Mode Activate in the text excluding other Assault Reboots.
Go, Go, Super Quantals!
In an Xyz set, it makes sense for an Xyz based archetype to get support, and the chosen archetype was Super Quants. Super Quantum White Layer is a Level 7 that can Special Summon itself from the hand by sending a non-Light Super Quant in your hand or on your field to the graveyard, can send a Super Quant monster from the deck to the graveyard to change this card’s Attribute and level to that monster’s upon White Layer’s Normal or Special Summon, and when White Layer is sent to the graveyard you can get a Super Quantal Fairy Alphan from your deck or graveyard into your hand. Super Quantal Mech Beast Lusterrex is a Rank 7 that requires any 2 Level 7 monsters, cannot attack if it doesn’t have an Xyz Material, can once per turn detach a material to target an Effect Monster and negate its effects (this becomes a Quick Effect if it has White Layer as material), and once per turn allows you to attach a Super Quantum monster from
your hand or field to it as material. Neo Super Quantal Mech King Blaster Magna is a Link-3 of any 2+ Effect Monsters (including at least 1 Super Quant), has all three arrows pointing downwards, is immune to being destroyed by your opponent’s card effects if it was Link Summoned, lets you draw a card if a Super Quant Xyz with a different name than the monsters you control is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck to a zone it points to, and if a face-up Xyz Monster(s) this card points to is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect you can then Special Summon a Super Quant monster from your deck with the same original Attribute as 1 of the destroyed monster’s. Super Quantal Alphancall Appeal is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you Special Summon a Super Quantal Mech Beast from your Extra Deck and a Super Quant from your hand, deck, or graveyard that is listed on the Xyz Monster with both monster’s effects negated only when a Super Quant monster you control is destroyed in battle. Finally, Super Quantal Union – Magnaformation is a Continuous Trap that gives your Super Quant cards targeting protection from your opponent during your Main Phase 1 and lets you target a Super Quant Xyz you control and attach another face-up monster you control to it as material.
The World Legacy Story Continues
The biggest series to get support is the World Legacy, which has support for World Chalice, Krawlers, Mekk-Knights, Knightmares, Crusaida, Orcust, and Guardragons basically along with generic World Legacy cards. Knightmare Incarnation Idlee is a Level 9 that while on the field gives your Level 9s protection from being destroyed by card effects, can be Special Summoned from the hand during either player’s turn if the total Link Rating on the field is 8 or more, and if Special Summoned while your opponent controls more Link Monsters then you it can send all Link Monsters on the field to the graveyard. World Legacy Guardragon Mardark is another Level 9 that can be Special Summoned from the
hand by banishing two Normal Monsters from your hand and/or graveyard, debuffs your opponent’s monsters by 500 ATK/DEF for each Dragon you control, and if this card on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect then you can search for a Level 9 with a different Type and Attribute from this card from your deck. Deus X-Krawler is a Level 9 Flip monster that can flip itself up in Defense Position if targeted by the opponent while it is face-down to negate the activation of that card and destroy it, negates the activated effects of all face-up monsters your opponent controls if this card was flipped face-up and remains face-up on the field, and if this card on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect it’ll search for a Level 9
monster with a different Type and Attribute from this card. World Chalice Guardragon Almarduke is a Level 9 Fusion of any three Link Monsters, can either be Fusion Summoned or Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by tributing the Fusion Materials you control, can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each, and if it battles an opponent’s Link Monster then you can banish a Link Monster in your field or graveyard with the same Link Rating to destroy the opponent’s monster and deal damage to them equal to the Link Monster’s original ATK. Ib the World Chalice Justiciar is a Level 5 Synchro Tuner that requires any Tuner and any non-Tuners, can let you use a World Chalice Normal Monster as
the Tuner for this card’s Synchro Summon, searches for any World Legacy card upon its Synchro Summon, and summons any World Chalice monster from your deck or graveyard (excluding a same named monster) if this Synchro Summoned card was sent to the graveyard. Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star is a generic Rank 8 of any two Level 8 monsters, can only be Special Summoned once per turn, can also be Xyz Summoned by using any Orcust Link Monster you control as the material, can detach a material from this card instead if a card(s) you control would be destroyed, and when Special Summoned can either attach a banished Machine to this card as material or
send a card your opponent controls to the graveyard. Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax is a Link-4 of any 2+ monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, has arrows to the sides and two downwards diagonal arrows, prevents your opponent from targeting it with card effects and makes it the only monster able to be targeted for an attack that you control while this Link Summoned card is on the field, once per battle (during Damage Calculation) gains the ATK of a Special Summoned monster this card battles, and lets you shuffle a card on the field into the deck if this Link Summoned card is sent to the graveyard by an opponent’s card. World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy is a Link-3 of any 3 Level 5 or higher
monsters, cannot be used as Link Material, this Link Summoned card is unaffected by other monster effects, can destroy all other cards on the field during your Main Phase if it was Link Summoned using monsters with three different Types and Attributes, and lets you Special Summon a World Legacy monster from your deck when your opponent Special Summons a monster from the Extra Deck. World Legacy Monstrosity is a Quick-Play Spell that can either Special Summon a Level 9 monster from your hand or target a Level 9 monster you control to Special Summon two Level 9s with different names, original Types and Attributes from the targeted monster from your deck, but they cannot attack and they are destroyed during the End Phase. Guardragon
Reincarnation is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you Fusion Summon a monster by banishing Link Monsters listed on it from your field or graveyard. Crusadia Testament is a Quick-Play Spell that can either let your opponent be unable to respond to your Crusadia monster effects for the rest of the turn or lets you draw cards equal to a Crusadia monster’s Link Rating if it destroyed a monster in battle. Orcust Crescendo is a Counter Trap that negates the activation of a Spell/Trap Card or monster effect and banishes it if you control an Orcust Link Monster and can be banished from the graveyard to add a DARK Machine that is banished or in your deck to your hand but prevents you from Special Summoning monsters excluding DARK Machines before or after using this effect. World Legacy Collapse is a Continuous Trap that can banish a World Legacy monster from your hand, face-up on your field, or in your graveyard to let a Link Monster you control gain the World Legacy monster’s ATK for the turn, and if a Link Monster is destroyed by battle or opponent’s card effect while this card is in the graveyard, you can banish it to Special Summon a Cyberse Link from your graveyard. Finally, World Legacy Cliffhanger is a Normal Trap that when an attack is declared involving two Link Monsters, you can shuffle all monsters on the field and in the graveyards into the deck and then prevent either player from Link Summoning for the rest of the turn.
The Valkyrie Ride Continues
Finally for full archetype support, we got more Valkyrie monsters. Valkyrie Funfte is a Level 2 that gives all Valkyries 200 ATK for each banished monster your opponent has and can send a Spell/Trap from the deck to the graveyard if you control another Valkyrie monster. Valkyrie Erda is a Level 8 that you can only control 1 of, debuffs your opponent’s monsters by 1000 ATK while you control this card that was Special Summoned off the effect of a Valkyrie card, and banishes any card of your opponent’s that would be destroyed and sent to the opponent’s graveyard. Valkyrie Chariot is a standard Union Monster that can be equipped to any Fairy and when said Fairy declares an attack, it can gain
500 ATK (even if this card leaves the field). Valkyrie’s Embrace is a Normal Spell that if all monsters you control are Valkyries, you can target a Valkyrie in Attack Position that you control and a card your opponent controls to switch your card to Defense Position and banish the opponent’s card and then you cannot Special Summon for the rest of the turn excluding for Valkyrie monsters. Pegasus Wing is a Normal Spell that can target any Valkyrie you control and let it attack directly, while doing half damage, during this turn if you have a Union Monster in your graveyard. Finally, Loge’s Flame is a Continuous Trap that prevents your opponent’s monsters with 2000 or less ATK from attacking and if it is destroyed by your opponent while in your possession, you can Special Summon any Level 5 or higher Valkyrie from your hand or deck.
Everybody Gets Support
Now to talk about the archetypes that only got a few cards as support in this set. Altergeists got Altergeist Fifinellag, a Level 2 Tuner that prevents your opponent from attacking or targeting Altergeist monsters that isn’t Fifinellag, a Level 6 generic Synchro in Altergeist Dragvirion which can return an Altergeist monster you control to the hand to negate the attack of an opponent’s Special Summoned monster and can revive itself from the graveyard if it was tributed, and they got the Continuous Trap that is Altergeist Haunted Rock that can be activated the turn it was Set if it was by the effect of an Altergeist card, makes you discard an Altergeist after resolving, and can send an Altergeist card from your hand to negate and destroy an opponent’s Trap. Neo Flamvell Lady is a Level 4 that can let you send a FIRE monster from your hand to the graveyard during
either player’s turn to target and banish a card in the opponent’s graveyard and when a card is banished from your opponent’s graveyard while this is face-up on the field, you can send any FIRE monster with 200 or less DEF from your deck to the graveyard excluding Neo Flamvell Lady. Filo, Messenger Fur Hire is a Level 1 that can Special Summon a monster Fur Hire from your hand excluding Filo and when a monster Fur Hire is Special Summoned that isn’t Filo, you can revive any monster Fur Hire from your graveyard in Defense Position but it’ll go to the bottom of your deck when it leaves the field. Mayakashi got two cards, the first being Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi who can Special Summon itself from the hand or graveyard and send a Zombie from your
deck from the graveyard if you control a Mayakashi monster that isn’t a Yuki-Musume and it has the effect where you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck excluding Mayakashi monsters, and Mayakashi Winter is a Continuous Spell that debuffs your opponent’s monsters by 100 ATK and DEF for each differently named Mayakashi in your graveyard and you can send this face-up card and a Mayakashi you control to the graveyard to draw a card and you can banish this card and a Zombie from your graveyard to revive any Mayakashi monster. Impcantations have Crealtar, the Impcantation Originator, which is a Level 10 Ritual that uses Impcantation Inception as its Ritual Spell, can reveal itself from the hand and discard a card to Special Summon Impcantations from the graveyard with Levels equaling 10, but they are shuffled into the deck in the End Phase, and non-Ritual Impcantations you control gain 2000 ATK and have
their effects negated while you control this card, and they got the Field Spell of Impcantation Thanatosis that can reveal an Impcantation in your hand upon activation to Special Summon two monsters with the same name from your deck and shuffle the revealed monster into the deck, and it can destroy a card on the field if you Special Summon a Ritual Monster. Madolche Teacher Glassouffle is a Rank 4 of any two Level 4 Madloches, can detach a material during either player’s turn to target a Madolche and make it immune from other monster’s effects for the turn, and can shuffle two cards from the graveyard into the owner’s decks if a Madolche monster is sent to the graveyard. Dillingerous Dragon is a Link-2 that helps Rokkets as it requires 2 Dragons, has Up and Down arrows, can
destroy an opponent’s monster at the end of their turn and deal damage equal to its ATK if it did not attack that turn, and can be revived from the graveyard (banished when it leaves the field) if you Special Summon a Rokket monster. Goukis have two new Link-3s that each require 2+ Goukis, the first being Gouki the Blade Ogre with Up, Down, and Bottom Left arrows, gains 300 ATK for each monster it points to, and can tribute a monster this card points to on either side of the field to let this attack twice during the Battle Phase, and the other new Link is Gouki the Solid Ogre with his Up, Left, and Bottom arrows, cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects while it points to a Gouki monster, and once per turn during either player’s turn can move a Gouki (that isn’t Solid Ogre) to a zone this card points to in the Main Monster Zone. Cloudian Aerosol is a Normal Spell that lets you discard a Cloudian to target a Cloudian you control
and give it Fog Counters equal to its own Level and Aerosol can be banished from the graveyard, except the turn it is sent there, along with another Cloudian in your graveyard to Special Summon any Cloudian from your deck. Magical Musket – Crooked Crown that you can only control one of, and once per turn lets you Special Summon a Magical Musket from your hand and prevents your opponent from using their unused Main Monster Zone in the same column the Magical Musket monster was Special Summoned to. The Weather Rainbowed Canvas is a Continuous Trap that gives your The Weather monsters the effect that if your opponent controls a monster, you can banish your monster to Special Summon a The Weather monster with a different name from
your deck but you cannot Special Summon from the deck for the rest of the turn. Danger! Excitement! Mystery! is a Normal Spell that discards a Level 5 or higher Danger! to search for a Level 4 or lower Danger! but you cannot Special Summon for the rest of the turn except Danger! monsters. Mermail Abyssalacia is a Link-2 of any 2 Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua monsters, has two bottom diagonal arrows, gives monsters it points to 500 ATK and DEF, during your opponent’s turn lets you discard a card to search for any Mermail monster, and if your opponent destroys this you can send a WATER monster from the deck to the graveyard to revive a WATER monster in Defense Position. Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss is a Link-2 of any 2 Level 3 monsters, has bottom diagonal arrows, prevents monsters it points to from being destroyed by card effects, can send another card you control to the graveyard to prevent this from being destroyed by battle or by an opponent’s card, and once per turn can send a Level 3 monster from your deck to the graveyard to boost a Burning Abyss monster by the ATK and DEF of the sent monster. Speedlift is a Quick-Play Spell that Special Summons a Level 4 or lower Speedroid from your deck if you control a Tuner and no other monsters, but cards and effects cannot be activated when that monster is Special Summoned. Finally, Whitefish Salvage is a Continuous Spell that can once per turn let you add a Fish from your graveyard to your hand and upon destruction by your opponent and sent to your graveyard lets you take a Fish from your deck and either add it to your hand or Special Summon it.
More Generic Cards
Now that the archetypes are done, I’ll get into cards useful in more decks than just one. Gnomaterial is a Level 1 monster that can be discarded while you control no cards when your opponent Special Summons a monster to let you target a monster they control and prevent it from being used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link nor let it be tributed. Omni Dragon Brotaur is a Level 1 that can be Special Summoned from the hand or graveyard when a monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect (but it’s banished if Special Summoned off this effect) and when Brotaur is Special Summoned via any means, you can target a face-up monster on the field and discard a card to search
for a monster with the same Type and Attribute as the targeted monster, but a different name. Chaos Betrayer can be Special Summoned from the grave by banshing a LIGHT and DARK from your grave (banished when it leaves the field if summoned this way) and if Special Summoned lets you banish a card in your opponent’s graveyard. Loud Cloud the Storm Serpent is a Level 5 that can only be Special Summoned from the hand by banishing a FIRE and WIND from your graveyard, can let you banish a FIRE to destroy a monster your opponent controls and have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the destroyed monster, and you can banish a WIND from your graveyard to destroy a Spell/Trap your opponent controls.
Xyz Slidolphin is a Level 4 you can Special Summon from the hand if you Special Summon an Xyz and if you Special Summon an Xyz while Slidolphin is in the graveyard, you can attach it to said Xyz as material. Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood is a Level 3 Tuner that can discard itself from the hand for you to gain LP equal to the ATK of any Effect Monster your opponent Special Summons, but your life points are halved if you activate this and don’t gain life off its effect. Emperor Maju Garzett cannot be Normal Summoned/Set and can only be Special Summoned from the hand by tributing three monsters you control, gains the original ATK of the tributed monsters, and prevents your opponent from using cards or effects during the Battle
Phase. Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter is a Link-2 of any 2 monsters with different levels, has a Down and Right arrow, can change the Level of a monster Special Summoned to a zone it points to into anything from Level 1 to 8 until the end of the turn, and once per turn can target 2 monsters on the field with the same Level and destroy them. Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale is a Link-4 of any 2+ Effect Monsters, has Left, Right, Bottom, and Bottom Right arrows, gains 200 ATK for each Link Monster in the graveyards, can target and Special Summon a Link-3 or lower monster from your graveyard if it is destroyed, and can banish itself from the graveyard if a Link-3 or lower monster is destroyed to target and destroy a card on the field. Dirge of the Lost
Dragon is a Continuous Spell that can be activated by declaring a card name and halves the LP of the player that uses that card or the effect of said card, but then this is sent to the graveyard during the End Phase this is applied, and if your opponent controls a monster than this cannot be destroyed via card effects. Mystic Mine is a Field Spell that prevents the player that controls the most monsters from activating monster effects or declaring attacks and is destroyed during the End Phase if both players control the same number of monsters. Packet Swap is a Normal Spell that lets you target a non-Link Monster you control and a Link Monster your opponent controls and switch control of said monsters. Chain Hole is a Normal Trap that when your opponent activates a monster effect in response to your card, you negate that effect and make them banish a card with the same name from their hand or deck otherwise you can
banish a random card from their hand. Crackdown is a Continuous Trap that lets you target a face-up monster your opponent controls and take control of it while you control this, but Crackdown leaves the field if the monster you took leaves, and while you control that monster it cannot attack or activate its effects. Saryuja’s Shackles is a Normal Trap that lets you target a Link Monster your opponent controls and/or in their graveyard and draw cards equal to its Link Rating, then you must put two cards from your hand back into the bottom of the deck if your hand has two or more cards in it. Muddy Mudragon is a Level 6 Synchro that uses any Tuner and non-Tuners, can be treated as a substitute for a Fusion Material for a Fusion Summon as long as the other material is correct and the monster this substitutes is specifically listed on a Fusion Monster, and once per turn lets you Fusion Summon during your Main Phase using this Synchro Summoned card and any other monsters
you control. Number 5: Doom Chimera Dragon is a Rank 5 of any 2+ Level 5 monsters, gains 1000 ATK for each Xyz Material it has, can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each while it has material, and at the end of the Battle Phase in which this card battles you can either target a monster in your graveyard and attach it to this card or target a card in your opponent’s graveyard and put it on top of their deck. Number XX: Utopic Dark Infinity is a Rank 10 of any 2+ Level 10 monsters, can detach a material to Special Summon a monster to your field in Defense Position if it was destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, and can let you target a Special Summoned monster you control, except itself, and gain LP equal to the monster’s ATK. Pendulum Halt is a Normal Spell that lets you draw 2 cards if you have 3 or more face-up Pendulum Monsters in the Extra Deck, but you cannot add cards from your deck to your hand for the rest of the turn. Finally, Memories of Hope lets you draw a card for each Number Xyz monster you control.
In Conclusion
This is a really strong set. I can tell they didn’t like the backlash of how poor the Savage Strike Secrets were and made every Secret in this set either a really good card, or a card with good potential. Some great generic cards like the hand traps, Crackdown, and Mystic Mine that various decks can use. Some great World Legacy support to really improve several decks and make Orcust even better than it already was. Some cool legacy support for casual players, and a ton of cards with a good future ahead of them potentially. Also some great imports and a few useful exclusives. A very strong set overall.