Organous |
Cross Arm Dive
Technique - Earth
Turn cost: 2
Chi cost: 1
Taijutsu | Development
[Action] Move your Turn Marker up by 2. At end of turn, move your
Turn Marker down by 2.
If this were anything other than common, I would call this an
investment card. Heck, because this is set 1, I'd still call it an
investment. I absolutely love this card, because it paves the way to
break through the rigid tempo wall Bandai has set up. As a Magic
player, I definitely can recognize the importance of tempo and
getting lots of threats out early. This isn't entirely the card I'm
looking for, since it will have a strict use of enabling techniques,
but no matter how useful it is now, it can only get more useful as
the game goes on. Even if a strictly better card were made, I'd end
up seeing this in combination with that new card. +2 AND a
(hypothetical) +3 would make for devastating plays when the variety
gets up there.
Notice that I've been very vague about the application of this card.
I make no mention of any particular technique to use, and there's a
very good reason for that. It is not powerful enough to warrant a 5
from me, but it is definitely close enough to warrant a 4.
Absolutely nothing less than that. The present and future
applications of this card are just too obvious to ignore, but I do
have to recognize one thing. If you are not playing a lot of
high-cost techniques, this card will not help you out much. It's not
like you can draw it by turn 3 consistently, and the field is not
necessarily set up to take advantage of that at the time. Still,
when your techniques can make the game for you, it's a solid card
that doesn't care about style.
4/5 |