Organous |
Cell [the 2nd Form]
Warrior: Villain
Turn cost: 5
Chi cost: VV
Android | Name: Cell
Fierce 2, Evolution: 6 [Cell (the Complete Form)]
While this Warrior is in your hand, "Cell" you control with a turn
cost of 3 gets Evolution: 4 [Cell (the 2nd Form)]."
[Action | DB] Move a Warrior card in your hand to your chi area >
This Warrior gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
First, I wanna point out the fact that as written, this guy does not
work with the currently existing Cell. The Cell we have costs 4
turns, not 3. I'll disregard that, as the intent is clear, but I'd
love for someone to show me anything Bandai has done about this. I'd
say this guy is going to be quite useful, assuming you get him in
through evolution. You could get a 7/3 on turn 4 without the use of
chi at all as well as the ability to pump him up. You're already
going to have at least 1 in your hand by evolving the previous Cell.
Even though you can only use it once per turn, you're probably
always going to have a warrior in your hand, so you can effectively
count him as an 8/4. I'm not so sure I'd play him for his chi,
considering Villain decks really need their chi, but I could see
decks utilizing that aspect if they have to.
4/5 |