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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Lord Slug
Set - Series 1: The Warriors Return
Card Ratings
Average Score: 5.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.06.08 |
Bibbo |
Lord Slug
Unique: Warrior: Evil Tribe | Super Namekian
T- 5 | U
6/3 | 2/1
When this Warrior uses a Technique card with "Unique" Symbol, this
Warrrior gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Lord Slug earns the title Lord. This card is amazing, his healthy
stats are great, but don't EVER let him get injured and he should
also never be a Support Warrior. His effect is the best part though,
Evil Cannon makes this guy 10/3. If there has ever been a staple for
a Unique deck, this is it. Lord Slug is both Evil Tribe and Namekian
so he work wonders with both Mono-Unique deck types. He can only get
better with time because of new Unique Techs being released (IMO).
And to top it all off, he also has Plunder.
____________Bottom Line_________
Staple in every Mono-Unique deck.
Card: 5/5
Art: 4/5 - I wanted to see him in his helmet.

Organous |
Lord Slug
Warrior - Unique
Turn cost: 5
Chi cost: U
Evil Tribe | Super Namekian
When this Warrior uses a Technique card with "Unique" Symbol, this
Warrrior gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Now we have a new leader to the Evil Tribe team, though strictly
speaking, as a "Super Namekian," he won't be able to take advantage
of things that require a Namekian. (If anyone finds an official
ruling stating otherwise, please email me a link to it. Super
Namekians/Saiyans should be able to do their standard things, too.)
I'm already quite fond of the Evil Tribe, and with the Spice Boys
also getting into the game, it's nice to see they're not being left
behind. We'll see where Garlic Jr. takes us with his advanced form
later, but for now, Lord Slug makes the strongest Unique character
in the game so far. I doubt that his inflation ability will be very
useful, but I'm never one to turn down extra power. I just get
concerned when someone is designed primarily as a leader and they
don't have any method of dealing with technique damage. Still, I
don't see much reason at all for him to be out of Unique decks. He
defnitely doesn't offer anything for splash, though.