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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
[Super Saiyan]
Card Ratings
Average Score: 5.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.07.08 |
Bibbo |
Vegeta [Super Saiyan]
Alien | Warrior | Super Saiyan | Male | Name: Vegeta
T-6 | AA
7/2 | 6/1
Super Heal | Fierce 2
[DB] When this Warrior's Team wins a Victory or an Outstanding
Victory, you can give 1 Damage to target Warrior your opponent
controls with a Turn cost of 3 or less.
Wow. Vegeta [Super Saiyan] is powerhouse, plain and simple. His
stats are great especially considering he has Super Heal (cause you
may want him injured once to get him healed later). His effect is
whats really great. He has a built in "Kamehameha" effect whenever
his Team wins a Victory of any kind (which will not be hard with his
power level), the only stipulation is having a DB coin on him but
that shouldn't be too hard on turn 6. And to top it all off he has
Fierce 2. This Vegeta is so good I'd say to splash him into a deck
with at least 10 Alien cards, he is worth it.
__________Bottom Line________
Vegeta is a must in every deck with Alien as a major part of it.
Card: 5/5
Art: 5/5 |

Organous |
[Super Saiyan]
Warrior - Alien
Turn cost: 6
Chi cost: AA
Super Saiyan | Male | Name: Vegeta
Super Heal | Fierce 2
[DB] When this Warrior's Team wins a Victory or an Outstanding
Victory, you can give 1 Damage to target Warrior your opponent
controls with a Turn cost of 3 or less.
Ok, here we definitely have a game-swinger. 7-Combat on turn 7 is
going to make for a spectacular leader equal to Frieza, if not
better. Probably better. Here's what I notice, though: Alien seems
to have a recurring theme of picking on little warriors, with only
their strength to back themselves up against the higher-cost
warriors. Because of that, I can definitely see Alien being
primarily a late-game style throughout the game. Basically, it
doesn't care so much about the early game, but picks things up very
well in the mid and late game. As an Astaroth player of Soul
Calibur, I can definitely appreciate this aspect. It doesn't look
like early aggro is competing as well, though, and despite the
nature of the serise, I'd hate for this game to need an era of
starting on turn 4 before aggro really catches on, as was the case
in Magic.
Anyway, that's about the Alien theme and not so much this guy.
Really, there's not much to be said. He's a supreme powerhouse that
should be fighting alongside Frieza. I hate to say that, as SS
Vegeta really needs to be Super (with a dash of Villain when he
becomes Majin), but I don't design the cards. I review'em. He's
definitely going to be a good rival to Goku, who already has a
comfortable spot as a Super leader. Vegeta probably wins out in
this showdown, though, considering the play styles of the two. I'm
afraid I can't give him more than a 4 because he doesn't belong in
ALL decks, just all Alien decks.
4/5 |