Organous |
Warrior - Villain
Turn : 0
Chi: 0
Human | Male | Emperor Pilaf Family
[DB] When this Warrior battles against a Team of 3 or more Warriors,
the battle result is a Draw.
Honestly, I didn't think much of this guy at first, but I had
someone point out to me the greatness hidden behind his small
stature. He can bring low the mightiest of leaders all by himself!
That, I imagine, is also going to be the single use he ever has
unless the Pilaf family gets some significant support in the
future. Pilaf is entirely a stall card, contributing nothing to a
team's forces to say even less for your tempo, and yet is an
entirely useful card to play. If you decide to be masochistic, he
does help enable characters with Super Heal, but I doubt anyone
would ever use him that way.
In the end, a very defensive card that any slower deck should
4.5/5 |
Bibbo |
Emperor Pilaf
Villain | Warrior | Human | Male | Emperor Pilaf Family Turn 0 | Chi
0 0/0 | 0/0 [DB] When this Warrior battles against a Team of 3 or
more Warriors, the battle result is a Draw.
Emperor Pilaf was the first real main villain in the Dragonball
series and this card aptly reflects this. He has abysmal stats with
a good effect. He's pretty useless until at least Turn 2 because
there will be no Teams of 3 until then. However, Pilaf is pretty
much the ultimate late game chump blocker. The effect is not
[Valid] so that hurts it quite a bit (even though he'll probably be
discarded due to overwhelming victory anyway) And the fact that you
need a dragonball is also a hindrance. But Pilaf can be in a team
and his effect still apply so placing him as support means reusing
that effect and injuring powerful teams of your opponent's. Despite
its high costs, injuring someone's Vegeta [Super Saiyan] (or some
equivalent) is a pretty good tradeoff if you ask me.
_________Bottom Line________
Its a good card especially for stalling/slowing tempo tactics.
Card: 4/5
Art: 3/51 |