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image from |
Frieza [Final
Set - Series 1: The Warriors Return
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.60
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
10.03.08 |

Organous |
Frieza (Final Form)
Warrior - Alien
Turn: 7
Chi: A
Male | Frieza Family | Name: Frieza
Toughness | Fierce 2
This Warrior cannot be deployed.
[Valid | DB]: When this Warrior battles against a Team, each Warrior
on that Team with a Turn cost of 3 or less gets -2/-2 until end of
Now this is the Frieza that everyone fears, and for good reason.
Yeah, he won't do anything to the big guys, but any worthwhile deck
is most likely going to include warriors from all over the map.
That means this is going to be a very usable ability, and your
opponent is going to have to put all of his best stuff into one team
just for a little hope against him. All you need to do then, if you
can't stop his team, is just chump block until you can, and then it
will blow up hard in his face. Alien is known for its dirty tricks,
too, so you can believe it will find a way to crush all your fragile
hopes and dreams.
Now, with great power comes great restrictions. This is one of only
2 warrior cards that can't be played normally and needs something
else to help it on its way. There does not seem to be any means of
skipping extra turns during the Strategy step with the Awakening set
(though not all cards have been shown yet), so you probably will
have to wait for 6 turns to pass before you can play him. Things
will have developed quite a bit in that time, though I'm sure Frieza
will play a huge impact when played. If you're playing an Alien
deck, this is quite simply the muscle behind it. Frieza's third
form is worth considering, and if that's in a deck, this card has
almost no reason NOT to be included among them.
It requires far too much effort to go outside of a fairly dedicated
Alien deck, but in that deck, this card is phenomenal.
4.5/5 |
wildfire194 |
Frieza (Final Form)
Today we have the Final Form of Frieza from the Warriors Return set.
This warrior is currently the best warrior in the game so far. With
its 7/4 healthy and 5/2 injured stats, this warrior is on par with
Goku (Super Saiyan). This warrior as the effect that just distroyes
any warrior with a turn 3 or less cost by giving them all -2/-2 then
they battle with Frieza (Final Form). The only restriction on this
card is that you can't deploy it. You can only place this warrior
into play by using the Evolution effect of Frieza (The 3rd Form) or
if you have this card in your discard pile, you can use Upa's Wish
to play it. Frieza also has Toughness and Fierce 2 making this
warrior very hard to get rid of. The Fierce 2 makes it so that if
your opponent blocks the attack from a team with Frieza in it and
Frieza's team wins, your opponent must send the top 2 cards from
there Planet (deck) to the discard pile.
I give this warrior a 5/5 for both art and playablity. Like I said,
this is the best warrior card we have so far. |

Stegy |
Friday COTD
What can be said about Frieza [Final Form] that hasn't been said
before? Frieza [Final Form] is probably the best card in The
Warrior's Return, with only Goku [Super Saiyan] and possibly
Stomping giving it a run for its money.
As of right now, there are only two ways to get Frieza into play:
through Upa's Wish, or through Evolution via Frieza [The 3rd Form]
and being on at least Turn 6. These are the only downsides to this
Frieza, or the only ones that I can see. He's a Turn 6/7 7/4! He
has Toughness AND Fierce 2! He has the highest Support value in the
game! And if that wasn't enough, his ability causes all warriors
battling his team with a turn cost of 3 or less to get -2/-2.
What's not to love? He even has his own technique (Death Ball) that
returns an opposing warrior to the top of its owner's deck.
Rating: 4.5/5 His only downside is how he gets into play.. but
when he does, watch out. |

First Hokage |
Frieza[Final Form]
The big daddy of all Frieza’s that we have right now… We still need
to see Mecha Frieza and Frieza[Final Form 100%]. Anyways, this thing
is a beast and there’s a reason why many people used him at Gencon.
The only way he can come out is by having Frieza’s Third Form
already on the field and you switch out the Frieza’s. This guy can
come out as early as turn 6 provided you have the requisites in
order to do so. He follows suit with the Alien theme. Two effects he
has straight off is Toughness and Fierce 2, which both are really
nice to have. And he has a Valid effect when he has a Dragonball
which is: When this Warrior battles a team, each Warrior with a
turn cost of 3 or less gets -2/-2 until the end of the turn. A lot
of the good support Warriors, right now, are turn 3, so by hindering
them, you open yourself up to totally dominating with Frieza. Frieza
also kills chump blockers with his Fierce 2 and his effect. I
suppose I haven’t mentioned his ridiculous stats of 7/4 and 5/2.
That 7/4 is just nasty. This guy is a real beast.
Rating: 4.5/5 |