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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Set - Series 1: The Warriors Return
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.06.08 |

Organous |
Warrior - Super
Turn: 0
Chi: 0
Saiyan | Male | Hermit Style
At last, we have something that's really simple. For the most part,
this card is an auto-include in just about any deck. The earlier a
warrior can be played, the more important its Combat value is
because you'll have less people to work with. This one has the most
Combat that I know of on any turn 0 warrior, and as far as balance
goes, I believe this is as far as it ever should go. As a matter of
fact, this card has a drawback to it invisible to the naked eye, and
it's one that's quite ironic. This is a character that does worse in
a Super deck than it does in anything else simply because it's a
Goku card. It's no problem early on, but as the game goes on, you're
going to want to play your higher-level, superpowered versions. You
can't do that until Goku is gone. That's not going to be entirely
unrealistic, considering he's a natural leader, but it will impact
your tempo. Super has enough to worry about as it is without the
rules getting in the way.
My verdict: Strong enough for its curve that chi focus would be the
only reason not to include it in a non-Super deck. In a Super deck,
still a very strong card with a little drawback in that it's part of
an already crowded Goku line.
4.5/5 |
wildfire194 |
Goku WA-001
Today we have the first card from The Warriors Return set, Goku.
This Turn 0 warrior has 3/0 heathy and 2/0 injured. No matter what
deck you run, this card should be in threes in it. There is not
warrior bigger for the turn cost. Sorry for the short review, but
theres not much to this card other then its stats.
5/5 for playablity and art |