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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Set - Series 1: The Warriors Return
Card Ratings
Average Score: 3.67
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.30.08 |

Organous |
Warrior - Alien
Turn: 2
Chi: A
Male | Frieza Family
Evolution: 3 (Frieza {the 2nd Form})
[Strategy | DB]: Target other Warrior you control gets +1/+0 and
"[Valid] If this Warrior is defeated, discard it instead" until end
of turn.
Well, here we have the start of this whole Frieza line. Certainly,
Frieza is the centerpiece to any Alien-themed deck, so having an
Alien chi to the cost does not disable it a great deal. I
personally find support to be a valuable number on any character, so
3 support on a 2-turn character definitely catches my eye. When I
notice that he becomes practically useless upon injury, all that
triggers in my mind is that Frieza will sit behind the scenes and
support his people. Quite appropriate when you consider he's always
delegated things to other people. What I find strange is this one's
ability. It's kinda like Roshi's mechanic, but offers a drawback of
discarding the warrior instead of putting it into chi. I suppose
that when you have such great stats at a stage as early as he is,
the little extra tip-off can't be premium.
Finally, there's the obvious point that this is the start of
evolving Frieza. For one, this means you'll be able to get those
higher levels of Frieza a turn early. Then he gets healed, as
well. Definitely not least, you don't lose any card advantage or
tempo from evolving and will be able to replay one of the lower
level cards should the latest version be killed. There's a lot of
strategy to use with Frieza's evolution line beyond the simple act
of evolving him, and this is the link which starts the whole thing.
Good by himself, great support, starts off good tempo in chaining
toward higher Frieza levels, but doing so would take up plenty of
slots in your deck. He's as close as you're going to get to a theme
for Alien, but don't overcommit it. Also don't forget how fragile
he is.
4.2/5 |
wildfire194 |
Today we review Frieza's first form from The Warriors Return set.
This card has one of the best effects for any warrior. With a
Dragonball Coin on this card you can give one warrior you control
+1/+0. This card is a must if you don't run the other forms of
Frieza and want to do quick damage. Since this Frieza has 3/3
healthy stats, it will make for a huge suport warrior early game.
Don't worry to much about the other part of the effect, since Most
decks that run this card don't relay on Chi.
I give this Frieza a 2/5. As good as it is, its still useless in a
deck that relays on Frieza (Final Form) |
This week we
are doing a tribute to Frieza week, so it might get interesting.
Today, we
look at the Super Rare Frieza that comes from the pack, but not
final form. First off, he’s of Alien Attribute, which is really good
and all Frieza’s are this type because well, he is an Alien after
all. Alien is probably one of the best deck types out there and most
supported right now. Moving on, he is a turn 2 with a cost of 1
Alien Chi to be put into play. His stats alone are really solid and
make him a solid turn 2 if you aren’t running the whole Final Form
idea. He’s a 3/3 on turn which is monstrous especially with that 3
support. Injured stats are meh, but what can you expect. If he has a
dragon ball on him, a target warrior you control gets +1/0 which is
nice and if this warrior is defeated, discard it instead. That
effect kind of hurts Frieza since it’s just being defeated not
completely defeated, but whatever, 3 support is too good to pass up
on turn 2.
Limited: 4/5
Art: 4/5 |