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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Goku [Super
Set - Series 1: The Warriors Return
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.24.08 |

Organous |
Super Saiyan
Warrior - Super
Turn: 6
Chi: SS
Super Saiyan | Male | Hermit | Name: Goku
Super Heal | Toughness
DB: When this Warrior battles against 1 or more Warriors with a Turn
cost of 5 or more, this Warrior gets +1/+0 until the end of turn.
We all know him by now. It's safe to say that any Super-based deck
wants to use him to head the force. With 7 Combat for turn cost 6,
the chi cost becomes somewhat irrelevant at that stage (at least, if
your deck is themed well enough to Super). It's probably going to
be the strongest character in your deck, and with Super Heal, you
can bet that decks are going to be themed around that later on, too.
There's one problem: Even as the strongest fighter for the side of
Super, you're still gonna have to compete against an Alien deck lead
by Frieza at some point. Oh sure, Goku would overpower him while
healthy (assuming there's a Dragon Ball), but how will Goku's allies
do? At this time, you're going to incur some serious risks if you
make a deck that can reliably go up against that Frieza in combat.
Goku can't truly do it all on his own if Frieza brings his friends
In the end, a great card. If you include a fair amount of Super in
your deck, you pretty much need this card. Because of its low
splashability, though, I can't give this a 5.
4/5 |
Koli Xela |
Goku (Super Saiyan) - SR - Super Energy Warrior
Turn 6, 2 Super Chi Cost
7/2 - 5/2
Super Heal, Toughness
Goku, Big daddy G, whatever you want to call him Goku is an auto
include in any super energy heavy deck. At 2 Super energy he can be
expensive to get in play, but 7/2 (8/2 against any Turn 5 Warrior
when he has a dragonball) makes him the go to guy for Team lead.
Between Super Heal and Toughness you know he is not going away
easily, and it's gonna get harder and harder as he starts eating
senzu beans. As solid of a character as he is on his own you still
have to take in to account his techniques; between Kamehameha and
Kaio-Ken 3-4 Super Chi sitting in your Chi pile will keep your
opponent on the defense, not to mention Spirit Bomb (coming in Set
2). About the only negative I can find for Goku is that if your not
playing Super as your main energy he can lag in your hand for a few
turns.. and a few turns can be fatal.
Constructed: 5/5 - If you play super and you own Goku he should be
in your deck.
Sealed: 3/5 - The 2 Super Chakra is a little too restrictive in a
sealed/booster draft format. |
Soviet Prince |
Goku Super Sayian
Today we take a look
at the mighty saying Warrior that took out the mighty tyrant Frieza
and saved the Galaxy Numerous times Goku Super Sayian. Goku is a
turn 6 super element Warrior that will get a +1/+0 boost when up
against turn 5 of higher warriors when in possession of a dragonball.
Goku also has the keywords toughness and super heal, toughness
lessens damage that Goku takes when receiving 2 or more damage by 1
and super heal gives Goku a growth coin every time he gets healed
which demonstrates the sayians abilty to get stronger when
recovering from a near fatal injury. In a super deck Goku is very
useful and like Gohan is deserving of his super rare status, I will
give Goku a 4.5/5. |
wildfire194 |
(Super Saiyan)
Here is the key card to any Super Deck. Currently the biggest beater
in the game with 7/2 heathy states and 5/2 injured. But this isn't
what makes this card playable, its the effects. Also, this character
doesn't need another copy of Goku in play to play it. In fact, you
can't play this card if you control a Goku already. This makes this
Goku alot easier to get to the field so that you don't need to
protect any other Goku you may already have.
First, with a Dragonball Coin, while Goku (Super Saiyan) is Heathy,
when battling against a team with 1 or more warriors that have a
turn cost of 5 or more, this card gets +1/+0. This really helps take
down some of those big guys that your opponent can throw at you like
Piccolo, Vegeta and even Frieza (Final Form).
Second are Goku's Special Ability. Super Heal and Toughness. Super
Heal gives Goku a growth coin (+1/+1) everytime Goku is healed from
injured status. Playing cards like Senzu Bean, Summoning the hidden
power and Dende (a new warrior from the upcoming "the Awakening"
set) with help make Goku a huge warrior that will be hard to get rid
off. The Toughness also helps Super Heal by making it so that Goku
will take one less damage when he would normally take 2 or more.
Although this Ability won't come into play very much, it is still
nice to have.
I would give this Goku a 4.5/5 for Playablity and 5/5 for art. Until
next Time! |