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Image from dbzcardgame.com
Aura Clash
Cell Games
Rating: 4.05 (based on
6 reviews)
Enuff: 3.63 (based on
4 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This card will have a huge impact on the game
and on waht decks are used. A lof of players are going nutz over this card
because it allows you to play w/ you other levels too, not just your level 1.
This is where this card will twist the game around, it
will deal with those so called "amazing" A-18 decks. This card gives
a lot of decks out there something to worry about and who knows where this card
will take the game because you can no longer build your deck based around your
level 1. The card is welcomed in beatdown decks and feared by those that play
control decks, I just wana see where this goes ^_^
Rating 4.25
Tuff Enuff
The card's not so good here because the fear of it
combined witht the fear of Are you Tuff Enuff is enough to scare the pants out
of someone trying to make a deck based around a level 1. The card would be
great but once the metagame kicks in it will just be a card that gives you and
your opponent a level.
Rating 2.5 |
~tk |
Ah, new week, new day, new card. And
today's CotD is AWESOME!! Perhaps one of my favorite cards from
Cell Games fo far. Aura Clash.
This card is great! Raise anger 6!!
Good thing for that to get around the TS Blue Style Mastery. Even
tho this card also raises your opponets anger by 6 as well, there
are so many cards to counter it, Master Roshi's Calming, King
Kai's Calming, Cell's Threatening Position, Namek Dragon Ball 2.
And don't forget about those cards you can attach first then play
Aura Clash. Severe Bruises, Goku's Heart Diasease, Awful
Abrasions. Yes this card is awesome, take you up, and either
keeping them there or pushing them back down.
Theres a little bit more of a bad
effect to this card as well, you can not win by the MPP victory.
So this card should stay away from those type of decks. But in
some cases its still awesome..think of how much fun it would be to
beat down with Cell 5's broke power? Or Gohan 5's huge PL?!?
Pretty fun to me ^_^ Sure it makes the game longer, but its
still fun, for you pkayers out there that actually like having fun
other than just winning tho..
So if you're playing a non-MPP deck
and know that 8 out of the 10 youll be able to push them back down
or prevent them from getting to their next level, its great. And
in Anger Decks, its still great, seeing as Red and Black are the
main MPP Decks, it works out becuz when using Red Mastery CS, its
beatdown, and the Black Mastery from TS, its also beatdown ^_^
My rating for this shagadlic card?
Woah this card is still awesome in
tuff enuff, since you can't win by MPP anyways and against most
decks the PL dont count (because theyre mainly playing Energys)
its awesome. Are you playing Cell 1 and want to go to his level 2
for his power? Then this is were Aura Clash comes in. Mainly in
TE, if you want your next stage's power, then use it. If
My rating for this card in TE? 3.5/5,
it could seem better, since no one can win by MPP anyways, but
really, the PL to beatdown with doesnt 0w|\| like in the Original
What an amazing card! You can
use this to gain brackets and unleash a physical disaster (somethign
which saiyan has never had before), or ruin your opponent's awesome
level 1 powers (like vinegar or #18). The advantage with this card
obviously goes to characters with level 5's, mainly because you
won't have to worry about them accepting the 6 anger gift and
winning by Most Powerful Personality. Unfortunately, #18's level 2
power is almost as juicy as her level 1 (maybe even better,
depending on the matchup), so you'll have to knock her up to level
3. Being a combat, non-removed, is always big in my book, which
garners this card another point on the rating. There are some sick
combos with this card, but I don't think i'll give you ALL the tips
just now ^_^.
Rating : 4.5/5 |
Organous |
This card has gotten much publicity
since it has been published on the site (and for all doubters hoping
for something broken, you can never get the MPPV for the rest of the
game with this). This card is a must-have in a great many decks. If
you want to get past level 1, like so many Saiyan and Namekian decks
do, then this guarantees you'll get past it. If you don't like your
opponent's level 1, you can use this to pass it up and get rid of
that annoying power. If you're worried that this will help anger
decks, the normal Severe Bruises and others still stop your opponent
from getting anger from it, so it then benefits you alone. Include 3
of these as well as a fair amount of other anger cards, and you'll
quickly reach level 5 and unleash their titanic powers on your
In Tuff Enuff, it shines even
greater, probably as a staple in most if not all decks, because you
obtain greater power with higher levels, in personality powers,
power stages, and even PUR. All decks that aren't based on the level
1 need this card.
Final Ratings: 4.5, 5 |

Tongtharadol |
In Standard, this card is
good...since it is pretty versatile. Having a hard time getting to
your Level 2, 3, 4 power? Is your opponent playing a really annoying
Level 1, 2, 3? Are you getting locked down by your opponent's
drills? The only downside is that it's a combat card, and that isn't
too much of a problem since it can also help that it's a combat
In Tuff Enuff though, this should help out a
lot since there is no MPP victory already. It's all about higher
power levels, and better Main Personality powers :)
Standard: 3.0
Tuff Enuff: 3.5
Aik Tongtharadol |
Swordsman |
Aura Clash - Cell
Awesome. A combat
card that forces you and your opponent to jump a level. Trunks
energy sphere is turning into one of the most powerful cards in the
entire game. So many powerful combat cards and theres only one of
these cards that can stop it when needed. Anyway, this replacing
straining jump kick move without a doubt. It only needs to avoid
sphere and its not an attack. Lets see how vinegar, 18 , Trunks HT,
and all those other decks that rely on lvl.1 powers only handle this
card. This will easily be a staple card in most decks.
4.0 |
Cds |
Aura Clash is definately going to shake up the tourny
enviroment. I can see every deck being built with
Aura Clash in mind. Whether it be to use it for
yourself, or take advantage of your opponent using it.
Aura Clash makes it easier for non MPP decks to reach
the higher levels, something that was nearly
impossible for them do to due to the fact that decks
were made to stop pure anger decks, and if a deck can
handle a pure anger deck, it can more then handle a
deck that doesn't try to get anger extremely fast and
consistently. Aura Clash is great drill defense, and
is a better alternative then straining jump kick move,
since it will be able to pass through more
Aura Clash does have a few drawbacks though, your
opponent, with everything else being equal, gets more
of a benefit when you use this card. More then likely
your deck will be sure to take advantage of this
though. There are ways to counter this, mainly by way
of Winter Countryside and Trunks Energy Sphere. This
will easily be one of the more sought after cards in
cell games so be sure to horde up a few for yourself.
Although it does have its drawbacks, I have to say its
advantages are far too good too pass up.
In Tuff Enuff this card is a bit less risky, in the
aspect that you do not have to worry about your
opponent winning by way of MPP, but this is soon
countered by the fact that the opponent will expect on
leveling up in the same fashion you will be leveling
up with this card. Besides that, there isn't much
4/5 |
