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CCG Card of the Day
from dbzcardgame.com |
Goku's Dragon Ball Quest
Cell Games
Reviewed Aug 9, 2002
Rating: 3.85 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 1.16 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
DaKrillin |
>Friday: Goku's Dragon Ball
Standard: This card is amazing, in any
Dragonball deck. I've won with this card, I've lost cuz of this card
*Glares at Organous* anywayz..it's a great card..except for the fact
it only works wit the Dende Dragon Balls..I'd put goku's Heart
Disease or Bulma's Scouter in my deck before I'd put this one in
(unless I'm using the DDballs)
Rating: 3.3
Tuff Enuff: Ok..you can light this card on
fire and do a crazy dance around it in this environment..cause thats
all it's good for Rating: 1.0
Organous |
Anyway, I'm sure that everyone's sick of seeing this card, even
those who use it. This is the best card for Dragon Ball decks
for its serious combo potential. I played a guy who must've
gotten 4 or 5 DBs out just with that card. Its only
disadvantage is that it's for Dende only. Of course, this
plummets in Tuff Enuff.
S: 4.9 TE: 1.5
Rich of AK |
Friday: Goku's Dragon Ball Quest
This card is just a little meany. A dragonball
deck can win in 2 or 3 turns if they play this card just right. Most
of the time, a blue or orange Dragonball deck can beat any opponent.
There are some weaknesses.......such as FAST red anger decks and
cosmic backlash. If you focus your deck around this one card and it
gets lost.....you could be in trouble.
Standard: 4.25/5
Tuff Enuff: Are you kidding me...... .5/5

Trunks |
Dragonball Quest - Cell Games
Bleh i don't like this card. Since it has been ruled that you can do
the loop effect (meaning you can do GDBQ get DDB3 and get to redraw
GDBQ from DDB3s power) Anyway its one of those cards that is just
needed in dragonball decks. Since its a combat card its more
versatile in decks. Cant do much with Gokus lucky break in play and
city in turmoil out there as well. Best combo for this card is
probably the usual; DDB3, Battle pausing, krillins concentration.
The bad stuff on this card is that its a combat card so sphere can
target it and stop that evil loop of Dragonball from coming out. Its
a good card but its only for DB based decks. Its not worth it in
anything else
Rating 3.0
