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Saiyan Pressure Punch Android
Reviewed Aug 14, 2002
Rating: 1.83 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 2.00 (based on
2 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Saiyan Pressure Punch??? o.0
Either I'm still recovering from Gen Con and my mind is messing with me or we really are reviewing this
Physical attack doing +3 power stages eh? :-/ must... write.... more.... mind.... not... able... to...
come.. up... with... anything. >,<
Rating 1
Tuff Enuff
Did you guys know I have a fishy now? Yup, came back from Gen Con and he was
sitting there, staring at me. I
asked him how he got there and he said one of my pets tried to eat him. I told him he/she was really silly
because my pets wouldn't hurt a fly... even tho they did eat out previous tourney director but that's a
different story. ^_< Anyway, it turns out AMy got him while I was out of town and now he's going to like
live with us and stuff, a privilage not even my pets get cuz they're in my siwwy, twisted lil mind. >;~)
Since fishy's going to be living with us I decided to run a background check on him (think it's a he), but
til that check comes back I'll just have to trust hiw word. He seems like a nice fish but you never really
know. You know what they say, it's alwayz the quiet ones. ~_n
Rating: 1
See what happens when I'm given bad cards to review? I either get better cards to review or yall get more
random storyes. : )
<Note from Pojo: IQ ...
It was I that selected this piece of crap. But I was looking
at a deck that Chippy built for one of our Dragon Ball Z
magazines. So I assumed if Chippy had it in a deck, it had to
be good. ;-) >
Organous |
Um... yeah... whoop-de-do. You get
to search your life deck or discard pile for an ally and put it in
play at maximum. While this does put it at max, there are
plenty of other cards that do very similar things with greater
benefits, such as Gathering of Heroes and The Power Of the Dragon,
just to name Combats. This is good to search out allies, but
there are also better options out there. Only use this if you
really need to search for allies and need an extra card to get them
out with.
S&TE: 3
Da Krillin |
>Tuesday - Saiyan Pressure Punch
This is a pretty standard card not
complicated at all ^_^ glad to see I get to do an easy one :p
Standard: This card is average. A
Phys. doing +3 stages of damage, nothing to sneeze at, but you still
see it in every saiyan deck..just cuz it can cause some serious
damage if your opponent is at zero and you're at max ^_^..due to the
face that Dball victory and MPPV victory are much more common in
this enviornment, ,it is a lot better in Tuf Enuff Rating: 1.3
Tuff Enuff: Same thing as above..it
just gets a higher rating ^_^ just cuz you can ONLY win my survival
in this environment
Rating: 1.8
Trunks |
Pressure Punch - SS
Hmmm +3 only?????? Nah not useful at all. After Android Saga we got
more huge saiyan attacks and cell sage just dished out some more.
This card was probably a big deal back then but its not a big deal
now. Its just a plain old physical doing +3 and nothing else.. We
have Saiyan Flying kick and Saiyan Triple kick now not to mention
saiyan destiny..
Rating 1.5
