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Krillin's Power Block Frieza
Reviewed Aug 30, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Da Krillin
This week's card
Friday: Krillin's Power Block
This card is pretty good, it's no VPA or NPR,
but it can go in any deck, ,and in the process in does damage ^0^ to
bad it's if successful :(
S and TE: 2.0
AlterEgo |
Friday - Krillin's Power Block
Another Krillin card!?!??! bah humbug! Krillin
doesnt even have a nose!!!
Krillin's Power Block isn't that great of a
card. It is good to some extent in tuff enuff, because you do a
physical attack, and stop their physical attacks too.
There's not much i can really write on this
card, but, its good in a defense deck.
*Score* -
1.6/5 in Standard
1.8/5 in Tuff Enuff
Phew, now that all those Krillin
Cards are over, i can go to Taco Bell!!!
Rich of AK |
Friday: Krillin's Power Block
This could work well in a Krillin Orange deck.
I would prefer super saiyan effect though. For some reason this card
doesn't look all that spicy.
Maybe if you scanned your opponent's hand or
nuked it, this would be a useful card.
Standard: 2.2/5
TE: 2/5