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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

Piccolo, the Puppet

World Games Promo


Reviewed December 12, 2002


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Judge Rich of AK Wednesday: Piccolo, the Puppet

This little dude has the power to make his whole deck have endurance 1. In a namekian deck that is pretty powerful. Use him as an ally so if you are in a bind, you buy yourself that extra turn to win the game. He also has a really cool picture. You gotta love the quotes on the puppets too.

Standard: 2/5
Tuff Enuff: 3.5/5
JayManFu Piccolo the Puppet- When I looked at all of these puppets I pretty much started to laugh. Hercule was the strongest, even stronger then cell level 3. Anyways....This card I think, is better played as an ally, since if you are going to use Piccolo the Trained. The puppet is nice, but if your opponent
just keeps a block to stop his power then there isnt a real point in playing it. But, if he is used as an ally, then this attack will most likely hit. But,
overall, Piccolo the puppet is one of the better puppets. Standard 3.3/5.

TE- For TE I think he gets better. Since less energy blocks are played, you might be able to hit with his power, making it almost impossible to get overkilled, but piccolo himself will be hard to get an overkill.
TE- 3.6/5

Jay Farrell
Chibi Piccolo, the Puppet

How would you like to have 150 cards in your deck, with this new Piccolo, you can. Well, almost. Piccolo, the Puppet's energy attack, if successful,
can give all the cards in your Life Deck (that don't already have Endurance) an Endurance of 1. Isn't that nice. He's in line to replace Piccolo, the Avenger as the best Piccolo Ally to play. In a Namekian deck, if you can hit with his energy attack enough, you could remove certain cards and setup your discard pile perfectly. Combo that with the TS Namekian Style
Mastery and you'll have yourself one fun time. Just think of all the fun when you Endurance all of your physical blocks away against an energy deck, and leave nothing but attacks and energy blocks.

In Standard, Endurance isn't as much needed in this format. Although, he might help a lot against Tapkar, Piccolo, the Trained is best for dealing with Tapkar. It'd probably be better to leave him as an Ally. 3.5

In Tuff Enuff, throw him in an Ally deck, as a MP or Ally, and he'll be able to keep you alive a lot longer. If you do decide to play him as a MP, don't
forget to put in a few Allies to help against physical beatdown. Overall, Endurance is best in Tuff Enuff. 3.8
SSJP Piccolo the Puppet
Meh. Hes decent, at best. His power to give endurance is nothin' compared to Cell the Puppet. I'd opt for Piccolo the Trained, Piccolo the Warrior, or Piccolo HT 1 from WGS for ideal Piccolo-ism.
Standard 1.9

In Tuff Enuff, yer Endurance is much more important. So, technically, you can take no damage (unless KHSB'd) but you're risking valuable Regen cards.
Tuff Enuff 2.3

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