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Image from dbzcardgame.com |
Krillin's Solar Flare
Cell Saga
Reviewed December 30, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Da Krillin |
Krillin's Solar Flare
Oo A krillin card :-p...the bestest kinda card ^_<
This card is pretty awesome..it's an energy attack, so it dishes out
4 life
cards, and if successful it prevents your opponent from playing any
physical combat cards. This card is in most decks..it's in physical
beatdown decks cuz you dont want your opponent from stopping your
attacks, and it's in Energy decks because you dont wanna be pummeled
by powerful physicals. It is also commonly found in Cosmic Backlash
decks, because your opponent can't stop your CB with physical combat
cards if you've used this first...now can they -_^. This card is
better in Tuff Enuff, cuz in Standard, more players will be trying
to win by DragonBall, or Most Powerful Personality Victory
Standard: 2.0
Tuff Enuff: 4.0 |
Judge Rich of AK |
Monday: Krillin's Solar Flare
This card is a major helper in physical beatdown decks. It is also
anti-physical beatdown if you use it in a defensive deck. Cosmic
Backlash depends on this card, yet this card can prevent Cosmic
Backlash from being played. All around good card if set up.
Standard: 3.8
Tuff Enuff: 4.0 |
Tim Batow |
Thursday - Krillin's Solar Flare
Merry Christmas everyone! Today's
card is Krillin's Solar Flare from the cell saga.
KSF is definitely one of the coolest
cards in the game. It's an energy attack, and if its successful,
your opponent cannot play physical combat cards for the remainder of
combat. KSF definitely belongs in ANY CB deck, or any physical
beatdown deck. Of course its obvious, that you can use piccolo's
fist block, red shielded strike, and this card for an unblockable
cosmic backlash, but it also has many other uses.
*Score* - 4/5 |
