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CCG Card of the Day
Style Mastery - Cell Saga

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Style Mastery |
Number: 140 |
5 |
All of your energy attacks do +1 life card of damage. If you
perform a successful energy attack with an Orange Style card,
your opponent can't play a Physical Combat card during his
next "Attacker Attacks!" phase. |
Krillin |
Cell |
2.69 (based on 9 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

A Score Guy
new Orange Mastery... *takes a deep breath*
I like it more than the old one but I still don't think it's
that amazing. My rating on masteryes is usually low cuz they tell
you what deck to play and your opponent knows what you're gona try
to do the second you sit down. I personally like to surprise my
opponents with the random stuff I like to use. This mastery can
create a lock down but players don't know how to build a Orange deck
with out drills so I don't think it'll be played that much o.0
out of 5 |
I sure wish that all the masteries could have lived up to what Blue Mastery got in the Cell Saga. Unfortunetly, I was dissapointed when I saw what Orange Style Mastery did. At first glance, the ability of your opponent not playing a Physical Combat card in their next attack phase looks good, but Orange already had many cards that stopped multiple physical attacks. With Cell's Arena being a popular choice nowadays for many Orange energy decks, most Orange Style energy attacks would cost 3 stages each. On average, that's only 3 energy attacks per combat. O_o The -1 power stage on the Trunks Saga Mastery really helps out with the extra cost on Cell's Arena.
Rating: 1.5 of 5
Cell Saga on, whenever a new Mastery is released, it's
only going to be natural to compare all the masteries of a
particular style. CS
Mastery gives Orange better control over physical based decks
and will be a major help to orange deck which can't defend well
against aggressive physical attack bumrushes.
With that being said, sure novice Orange
players will be given a big boost, but the veteran Orange players
already have consistent strategies against heavy physical decks such
as Saiyan. I always
find the ability
to pay 1 less stage more efficient with MPs that don't have great
powerlevel management such as 18 and Vinegar.
Not the worst mastery,
but certainly not the best.
At first glance, you would think this card is
amazing. +1 life to all
your energies, not only ones done by your Main Personality, and if
it's an Orange Style attack, your opponent can't play a Physical
Combat card in his phase....but, in essence if you do manage to hit
them with an Orange Style energy attack, they can still play Energy
Combat cards, use Non-Combat cards, or other things.
If you could manage to hit them every phase with an Orange
Energy then this might be worth it, but compared to the old mastery
I think this one has a little less play value.
This currently may be one of the least used of the Cell Saga
masteries, along with the new Black. 2.5/5.0 |
Orange Style
Mastery (CS 140)
I applaud this
mastery, as it presents an interesting alternative to the old one.
Of all the new masteries, this one is perhaps most similar to
its Trunks Saga counterpart, but is superior in its anti-physical
capacity. I rate it a
3.75 out of 5. |
Orange Style
CS 140
Mastery : All of
your energy attacks do +1 life card of damage.
If you perform a successful energy attack with an Orange
style card, your opponent can’t play a Physical Combat card during
his next “Attacker Attacks!” phase.
Eh, this card might
look great on the surface, but it has a couple of points that I’d
like to address. First
off, your energy attacks now cost full, rather than -1 back in
Trunks Saga. While this
sounds minimal, Orange Kamehameha’s and Orange Stare Down’s now
cost 2 instead of 1...which really adds up in power drain.
Plus, good Orange decks should be able to contain Physical
Attacks as it is, making the second ability of this card pretty
nominal. While I like
the support for the Orange philosophy of “We Hate Physical
Attacks”, I feel that this card was not even needed.
Rating : 1 of 5
Style Mastery
I have to say, this one isn’t much better than the last one.
style masteries can help u kick butt in energy decks, and I think they’re
both good. However,
this new one has some advantages that the old
one didn’t. For
example, it’s better against physical decks if u have
a lot of orange energy attacks and other ways to power up ur MP.
It can
do an extra life card with every energy attack and stop ur opponent
from making any physical attacks if u get lucky.
The old mastery lets u do
one extra life card or pay one less power stage, or if it’s an
orange energy attack, u get to do both.
However, it doesn’t let u drive ur opponent
mad by refusing him his precious physicals.
I like this new mastery,
it’s one of my favorites.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
the zest of the TS mastery with the addition of damage,
but with a twist. No
long do you have the -1 stage,
but now if you perform a successful energy attack, they cant perform
a physical, that's great for against those Saiyan decks.
I'd definitely think carefully
before choosing between, that -1 stage could be a lifesaver.
the Swordsman |
Rating: 2.75 - Orange Style Mastery (CS)
Not a bad mastery. All your energy attacks do +1 life card of
damage and if it is successful and was an orange style energy attack
your opponent cant play any PHYSICAL COMBAT cards during his
attacker attacks! phase. This mastery is okay but i still perfer
Trunks Saga's Orange Style Mastery. Anyway this mastery can really
hurt saiyan decks mostly since most saiyan decks play alot of
physical attacks. Its a nice mastery overall but if you build your
orange deck the right way. Physical attacks shouldn't be a problem
at all and you can stick to using Trunks Sagas Orange Style
Mastery. |
