Many lines can be drawn in DBZCCG to separate decks
from another: Decks that depend on Level 1 exclusively against decks
that depend on their other personality levels, decks that require
Non-Combats to win against decks that do not and a quite visible
difference today is decks that run off their discard pile and ones
that do not. There is more but I think you get my point. I'm going
to go ahead and say this card is quite worthless in Standard format
play. Red Blocking Hand is much more appeasing to anger decks
anyway. Tuff Enuff is a different story. Since you _know_ you will
be fighting some physical attack decks, this card isn't half bad.
It's especially good when you stick it against a deck that runs off
their discard pile. Too bad it didn't raise your anger by 2 ;)
Standard = 1/5
Tuff Enuff = 2.5/5
Another lame anti-discard card... for my money, I'd
rather have a good Red Offensive Stance and gain a few stages. But
if you've already got those in (or you don't have any) Red Dodge is
better than nothin... the anti-discard pile thing might actually be
helpful. Final Rating: 2/5 |
Red Dodge
This is a variation on Red Feint, and it plays very differently.
It offers a physical block and 1 anger, which is standard fare for
any red deck, but it also removes the top 10 cards from your
opponent's discard pile from the game. Again, my main beef w/ this
card is that your opponent has to act in order for you to use the
effect. My personal choice for standard red block is red offensive
stance, but depending on what kind of decks are played in your area,
you might want to sub in a couple of these instead.
Rating: 2 of 5
Red Dodge
Rareness: 3 star
Yet another red card. This one's good. It's a block that can also
inflict some emotional distress on your victim. It's like Red Feint
in a way, only it's a block, and u remove the top ten cards in the
discard pile instead of the whole discard pile. Like I said, it's
good... but then again, all cards are good if u play them right. n_~
Final rating: 3.5 out of 5 |
Red Dodge, as soon as i saw this card, i wanted 3 for
my deck right away! Not only does it compliment Red Removal, but it
also helps with anger. Although it's one of the hardest uncommons to
get, it's probibly the best one. Definently a must have for any red
Regular - 4/5
Tuff Enuff - 4/5 |

Valdez |
Red Dodge has a great secondary ability, stops a
physical attack, and raises your anger 1...You can't go wrong
there...or can you? Red Dodge is a fun card to play and has the
potential to get rid of some extremely strong cards that would
otherwise be recycled into the deck, or even worse...into the
opponents hand. This isn't without its drawbacks though. There are
many other cards which could be all around better choices than red
dodge, but being a bit different can always be fun, and isn't that
the reason you play the game? If I were to see this card in another
players deck when doing a deckfix, I would think twice before
replacing it.

Tongtharadol |
Red Dodge Review:
The only thing that sets this card apart from normal red physical
stoppers is that you remove the top 10 cards from their discard
pile. Although this seems like it's quite effective at first, it's
use against the majority of decks is less than expected. Things like
Red Offensive Stance could very well have more impact than Red
Dodge, but if there are too many regen decks in your area, the Dodge
could work. Overall, the card is alright, but don't go replacing
your Blocking Hands, etc for it.
Standard: 2.0/5.0
Tuff Enuff: 2.2/5.0 |
the Swordsman |
Red Dodge - Cell Saga - 3.0
Stops a physical attack. Removes the top 10 cards in your opponents
discard pile from the game. And raises your anger 1. Since when did
red decks hate discard piles anyway? Anyway this is a nice card to
take out some cards in the beginning stages of the game. With this
and red feint you can put a hold on your opponent recycling cards.
Its a nice card. But nothing overly great about this card. |

A Score Guy |
Red Dodge
This card
is just so much fun ^_^ Play 3 of this against a Namekian deck and
they'll give you the evil eye among
other things 0.o
How am I
supposed to rate a card like this one? It's an ok card and all but
it's not a Time or a Halt. I think this card will only go in red
decks and maybe some weird non-TW decks but that's about it.
out of 5 |
Will Mimbs |
Red Dodge Cell Saga Physical Combat
This card is kind of cool. Stoping a physical attack, removing
the top 10(!) cards in you opponents discard pile from the game and
raising your anger one is neat! This card could spell I HATE THE
opponent. This and stoping a physical attack are the key parts of
this card.
Standard: 3.8/5
Tuff Enuff: 4.4/5 |

Raith |
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