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CCG Card of the Day
Offensive Rush

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Offensive Rush |
Number: 148 |
Type: Non-Combat |
5 |
Your Main Personality loses
4 power stages. All attacks you perform for the
remainder of Combat do +3 life cards of damage. |
Vegeta |
This storm seems to have
blown from out of nowhere! |
Cell |
Rating: 1.78 (based
on 7 reviews) |
Enuff: 2.50 (based on
3 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
This card has some potential. Cell
Saga brought up the idea of allies into Saiyan Style with cards like
this and Saiyan Power Blast, and this is the better execution of the
two. This card goes hand-in-hand with Hidden Power Level for
non-ally decks, a card that saiyan usually runs anyway so the
transition is simple. The biggest problem--its one of the handful of
Saiyan Style Non-Combats, which almost no beatdown intensive saiyan
decks run (appraisal maneuver, battle terms, honor quest, city
destruction, etc) because they need City In Turmoil. Best with
colorless decks in my opinion, but this is a card that only advanced
players should mess with.
Rating: 2.5/5
This card isn't too bad... u can do +3
life cards with everything,.. IF ur willing to give up 4 power
stages for it. If u didn't have to do that, it'd be great, but alas!
More power draining cards... Final Rating: 2 outta 5 |
Saiyan Offensive Rush.. Finally, a
saiyan damage modifier. It's not that bad of a card, i use 2 in my
saiyan deck, but i dont usually use them unless i know they cant
block, and it's usually the turn of the game. For it's cost, it
turns some away, but in the right situation, it's not bad.
Regular - 2/5
Tuff Enuff - 3/5 |

Tongtharadol |
At first glance, losing 4 stages
on your main to gain +3 life for all your attacks might seem like a
bit of a cost, but in fact it's not too bad.
Since it stacks with effects like Cell's
Style, it's a Non-Combat so you can use it in whichever combat you
choose, and it lowers your main 4 stages (ie Ally decks), this card
can be quite versatile in the right deck. In Tuff Enuff format, that
extra 3 life can be the difference between an overkill or not :)
Standard: 3.0
Tuff Enuff: 3.5 |

A Score Guy |
Saiyan Offensive
If this card was a
Combat card I would say it’s a lil better because as a Non-Combat
card it’s not that good. It’s not like you’re going to use 2
or more in the same combat and if you’re planning on doing that
please stop reading, stand up, walk to the nearest corner and stay
there to think about what you’re trying to do…. Anywayzz the
card’s bad, even Cell’s Style’s better and that’s gota tell
you something right there *_*
1.0 out of 5
Tuff Enuff
In Tuff Enuff this
card gets even worst because you’re hitting yourself for 4 power
stages and not even an ally deck would make this card worth your
while because there’s a lot of ally hate in the Tuff Enuff
environment @_@
OMG!!!! Why is the
card a rare???? I guess the card’s so bad that they didn’t want
you to get too many of it cuz it really, really and I mean really,
really sux >o<
out of 5 |
the Swordsman |
Offensive Rush - Rating 1.0
Losing 4 power stages to do +3 life cards with every attack? Okay it
may have some advantages in a non - saiyan tokui-waza deck. But for
saiyan decks this card is horrible. Saiyan is all about physical
attacks and staying at your highest power stage possible. It is a
non-combat as well and saiyan decks hate running non-combats most of
the time anyway. This card is not for saiyan decks. Try it with a
non saiyan tokui-waza deck. |

Valdez |
Like a great deal of other cards, this
card has amazing potential, but this is potential that is rarely
realized. I believe this card would be decent if it at least
activated when entering combat, that way you would have better
things to use your attacking phases on. The first one or two
attacker attacks phases you get each combat are extremely important,
and this isn't one of the cards that you will want to use so
early, mainly because this will basically give your opponent a free
turn to either end combat, or lock that Halt onto you. When its good
its really, too bad alot of people won't realize that, i feel there
are better cards to place into a Saiyan Deck, and that loss of 4
powerstages doesn't help. 1/5 |
Goken |
Not Reviewed |

Cds |
Not Reviewed |

Raith |
Not Reviewed |
