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Image from dbzcardgame.com
Blueprints |
Number: 128 |
Type: Non-Combat |
5 |
Set all personalities with
the word "Android" in their card title
to 0 power stages. They may not gain power stages
until the beginning of your next turn. |
Bulma |
I may know where to find a
few weak spots. |
Cell |
Rating: 3.02 (based
on 6 reviews) |
Enuff: 2.55 (based on
2 reviews) |
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Now this card just screams
"This is what you get for playing #18!" While it probably
won't harm #18 Blue Dragonball decks (unless you get a timely halt
off), this definitely wrecks #18 orange and black beatdown decks
that need power stages to work. It's not even removed from the game,
and with Cell's Arena you can totally lockdown your opponent for
good. However, this card is also totally useless vs. non-android
personalities, so I would only run it if you're expecting to play
androids (i.e., local tournament, or character regional). It
combines the Hero Is Down and Vinegars Revenge for a nasty combo
that if made universal, would be in every single deck around.
Rating: 3.25/5
Oooo.... I like this card. It's
really good when u know that ur going up against an android deck. I
esp. like it in a multi player game, like when u play it and ur
opponent has to wait 4 or 5 turns to gain some stages... this card,
if it's played right, can and is positively evil... I'm glad to see
that Score can still come up with some darn good cards.
Final Rating: 4 outta 5 |

A Score Guy |
The first words
that come to mind when I see this card are: eeeeewwwwww…… yucky.
This card completely sucks if your opponent is not using the
Androids and the only reasons it’s not getting a big fat 0
are the following:
1.- Android 18 is
currently the big deck in the environment and it’s useful in a
metagame environment but there are better cards to deal with her so
bah to that.
2.- it’s not as
bad as Physical attack doing 1 life card of damage and cost 3 power
stages to perform ~_~;
0.5 out of 5
Tuff Enuff
Read what I said up
there and I would just like to add one more thing. This cards gets
even worst in Tuff Enuff because of cards such as Are you Tuff Enuff?
And others that simply make A-18 cry 0.o
0.25 out of 5 |
the Swordsman |
- Rating 3.9
This is the only cards that really hurts the androids. Starting a
combat and using this against an android can be really hurtful. They
are more vulnerable to physical attacks, they wont be able to
perform energy attacks. This card is like a stunned for them as of
now. The bad thing is.
If you arent playing against an android. This is just a wasted card
slot. If your area is playing a lot of androids put this in. |

Valdez |
Blueprints has a variety of
uses, whether it be lowering your own Personality to 0 in order to
use your allies, or help you hold that Android Energy deck for
another turn. Personally, I would not use this card, but it can
become annoying, really annoying. It's a situational card, but in
this case, squaring off against an Android is a very common
This card helps your matchup against android
decks, but it overall worsens your matchups against other non
android decks. In a tournament you want your card draws to be as
solid as possible..this just isn't one of those cards.
2/5 |

Cds |
This card is pure hell against
Android decks...of any sort. End of discussions. It's especially
vile against Android 18 Dragonball decks. Throw one of these on her,
have Cell's Arena in play and 18 won't be ending combat with Blue
Rush or Straining Energy Move anytime soon. Now why couldn't Score
have it affect Cell too? For Tuff Enuff purposes, it will garner
about the same rating because although 18 Dragonball decks dissapear,
other Androids rise.
Standard = 4/5
Tuff Enuff = 4.1/5 |
