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CCG Card of the Day

Taunting Drill Capsule
Corp Power Pack
Reviewed July 9, 2002
Rating: 4.8 (based on
1 reviews)
Enuff: 4.7 (based on
1 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This drill looks like a must in
every Dragonball deck but does it really work?
This is the only format where this Drill will
see any play because Dragonballs don't see much play in Tuff Enuff.
The best this drill can do for you is allow you to draw 6 cards when
entering Combat as the defender, it seems like a great ability but
you will only have 6 DBs out in the late game and by then you may
not be able to afford drawing so many cards. The average amout of
cards this drill will usually give you is 3 or 4 which is only 1
more card than you would usually draw and you have to keep in mind
that this card is not very consistent. :-(
Rating 2.9
Tuff Enuff
This drill will see like no play in this
format because DB victory doesn't really work here so you might as
well just add it to the list of cards that will never be used in
Tuff Enuff. The image on it rocks but that's about it.
Rating 4.7
Trunks the Swordsman |
Drill - CCPP
As if dragon ball decks weren't BS enough!! =/ This card just makes
dragon ball victory sooooo easy. When entering combat is the
defender you may draw 1 card for each dragon ball you control
instead of the normal draw 3.. Can you understand this equation?
Draw 5 + Blue leaving = Your opponent po'd like wh0a. Taunting drill
will be one of those to drills that you have to watch out for. Since
db decks hardly start combat you're gonna wanna always start combat
to try and steal their dbs. But now with taunting drill out in
play... shudders >_< The drill is literally taunting you to
attack.. Should have just made the picture of krillin bending over
saying here heres your target =/ Cos if you attack you'll probably
end up being screwed when they draw their last dbs and declare
Rating 3.8 Very evil but doesn't work good unless you have more than
4 dbs out obviously.
Goken |
Taunting Drill is a card that
could find a happy home in many a DB deck. But DB decks are pretty
much the only decks that are gonna wanna run these, since those are
the only decks that could possibly get more than 3 DBs out at once
(regularly at least). That sorta limits the usefulness of the card,
but its definitely a useful weapon in those DB decks.
Standard: 3/5
Tuff Enuff: 1/5
