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CCG Card of the Day
Lord Slug Promos
Reviewed July 15, 2002
Rating: 2.9 (based on
3 reviews)
Enuff: 3.2 (based on
2 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This guy must really hate his
parents, I mean don't tell me you wouldn't hate them if they named
ya Slug. o.0 Can you imagine how much going to school would suck? My
theory is that Slug was a great and super nice Namekian but all the
years of name calling and teasing during his school years are what
drove him to the dark path.
[[Yes, I know I'm all sorts of weird ~__~]]
As we all know his level 1 is a
really great ally because if you build your deck with him in mind
you can gain 1 personality level per Combat. O.O Yup that's right,
his level one power can still be used if he's an ally. According to
a lot of players anger has been dead for a long time but we'll just
have to see what the Slug has to say about that. ^.^
Rating 3.25
Tuff Enuff
His level one power is not that great in this
format but his level 3 is pretty good in the Namekian regeneration
decks but Dying Planet just eats this deck up besides it's pretty
easy to stop too. A early game Black Scout Manuever for Aura Clash
Clash/Are you Tuff Enuff can do it or just geting hiting Land in
Pain and droping a Dying Planet.
Rating 2.6
- Lord Slug 1-3 MP - CCPP
Hmm. Well theres now 4 namekians that can play namekian tokui-waza
which is okay. Always nice to see something new. Lord Slug is built
for namekian style decks obviously. His level 2 is okay but his
level 3 is by far the strongest ive seen in ways of regeneration.
His level 3 allows you when shuffling cards back into your deck you
are allowed to shuffle double back. So Dende Dragonball 5 can now
shuffle back 10 instead of 5 for example. Since namekian has mass
regeneration qualities this card can seriously be a pain in the =/.
Imagine namekian fist smash being successful and doing 9 life cards
of damage. Youll be able to shuffle back 18 cards back into your
deck which can be so great if you lost that FIR (Frieza is Ready)
from an energy attack. His level 1 is very evil as an ally. Since it
says when you control 3 dbs of the same set gain a personality
level. It didnt take long for a combo to form. With a combo of
unexpected allies, battle pausing and Red King Colds observation you
easily jump 3 levels with lord slug. I dont feel like typing out the
complex combo so you figure it out. :P Anyway Lord slug can prove to
be one powerful namekian in the CCPP but compared to Cell, I think
Cell still reigns surpreme in namekian decks.
Rating 3.9

Lord Slug :
My favorite no doubt, Slug won me Nationals
Tuff Enuff. But that's where he should stay, in Tuff Enuff. I like
him as an ally for gaining a level in standard, but his level 1 and
3 powers (screw that horrible level 2) are made for TE fighting. The
level 3 is just out of control, and I've already designed a few
broken combos with it. So, as long as you build him in the right
deck in the right format, Lord Slug will bring you victory.
Standard : 1.5/5
TE : 4/5
