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CCG Card of the Day
Master Roshi CCPP
Reviewed July 18, 2002
Rating: 3.9 (based on
3 reviews)
Enuff: 3.33 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Master Roshi should get straights 5 just for being the
best character in the show. That old man freaking
rocks and there isn't a single character more
important that him, nope not eve Goku cuz if it
wouldn't have been for the great Roshi Goku would be a
nobody so there.
A lot of players say he's the new Android 18 but i'm
not too sure, you get to look at 4 more cards but you
don't get to draw one so I guess it's just player
preference. The other cool thing about him is that you
can pack 4 Master Roshi's Island and with his level 1
power you can get them out in play early and hurt your
opponent like a lot. >;~)
Rating 4.2
Tuff Enuff
He can also set up your Endurance and help you pull
off combos a lot faster, but when it comes to power
stages he's like really, really weak. :-( That's why
you could alwayz go with the Red Style Mastery and use
allies to make his power work wonders for you. All in
all this character is pretty amazing because he can do
so much. ^,^
Rating 4

Trunks |
Master Roshi - CCPP
this time I am just gonna evaluate each card separately then give
you a final grade on all of them.
Lvl. 1 - Hmm very interesting.. its not as broken as Android 18 but
hey its a really cool power. Roshi can look at the top 10 cards when
entering any combat. A power that sorta mimics 18 except for the top
6 only and draw a card. Its an interesting power for such a low
power level MP. With looking at the top 10 as the defender you can
save yourself from a crappy hand. A perfect MP for DBs maybe? you
could be right but i wouldn't count on it.
Rating 4.5
Lvl. 2 - The level 2 is downright crappy in my opinion. All named
attacks do +2 power stages or +3 if you declared red tokui-waza.
Whats up with that?!?! His level 2 should have been something along
the lines of 18s lvl.2. But anyway if you like playing named cards
and such this is a good level 2 power. But it kinda kills the point
of having 4 Master Roshi's island in your deck :)
Rating 2.0
Lvl. 3 - Level 3's power is for allies of course. All allies power
up an extra stage if you declared red tokui-waza they power up 2
extra stages and any attacks they perform do +1 life card. Not that
bad of a power but id rather stick to his level 1 personally. Gotta
love looking at the top 10 every time ;x
Rating 2.5
3.5 - Final Rating
Will Mimbs |
Master Roshi-Capsule Corp. Power Pack
His set is very unique compared with the others His
three are nice, but not his 2. Why would you have a
bunch of named cards in a Red deck. Some may laugh at
what I just said, but too many freestyle cards in a
red deck can get risky. The only problem with his
level three would be playing a deck that doesn't do
alot stages in damage. You could counter this by
putting Gravity Chamber in your deck to make you pay
for your physicals. You can lower Master Roshi's
stages so his allies can whoop your opponent. Also,
it's good to have a lot of allies with physicals if
it's a red deck
Tuff Enuff:2.5
Same as the above paragraph, but take out maybe one
Gravity Chamber. Also, watch out for strong physical
*Special*Underdog- Same as the first paragraph, but
can you say "Opponent in Hospital"?
-Will M
(Tell me how you like my first new review! mimbsw@yahoo.com)
