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CCG Card of the Day
Dying Planet Android
Reviewed July 22, 2002
Rating: 3.33 (based on
3 reviews)
Enuff: 3.40 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
I alwayz wondered if that pic on this card was of
Planet Vegeta going poof, what do yall think? :-/
Dying Planet is one of the best Battlegrounds out there because if you get it out early game against
certain decks it's pretty much an auto-win. It wrecks Namekian decks and it gives beatdown decks all they
need to be able to deal with those pesky ally decks. Besides it turns cards like the plan into a Cell's
Precense, who needs those silly Ultrsa Uares anywayzz?
Rating 3
Tuff Enuff
This card is great because it eats up those annoying Namekian Regeneration
deck with Lord Slug, those decks just keep the game going for so much longer than it
should, where's the fun in that?
Rating 2.8
[[sowwy for the really bad COTD but IQ's still recovering from the weekend]]
IQ's Crew
Original |
Ugh, sorry for letting you guys down so
much. I promise that I'll keep up with this from now on.
Anyway, Dying Planet has mucho mucho value for a battleground in
this game. Every Red and Namekian deck with respect relies on
their discard pile, and this takes it out. It also provides a
handy way to get hurt Dende DB decks because they won't be able to
get Goku's Dragon Ball Quest back. I use one (all I have) in
my Namek DB deck because I hate Dende decks and need to do what I
can to get rid of them. As I always say, if you don't use your
discard pile, stop the other guy from using his.
In Tuff Enuff, it has less value
because you want everything you can use to deal more damage, and
this isn't it. It still hurts Namekian and Red decks, and is
worth putting in.
S: 4 TE: 3.5

Hawk |
Dying planet...
most unused battleground in the game, yet, i personally think, is
one of the best, i mean, how many times do you really go back for
cards u discarded unless your deck revolves around it.. Dying planet
is a great card, anti-red ts, anti-namekian, anti regen, its really
awesome, especially in Black ^_^ think of all that hand destruction,
and with DP, those cards get removed, their perfect setup.. gone
>.< sounds great to me.
Reg - 3/5
Tuff Enuff - 4/5
