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CCG Card of the Day

from dbzcardgame.com |
Gohan Meditates Cell
Games Preview
Reviewed July 24, 2002
Rating: 3.40 (based on
5 reviews)
Enuff: 3.06 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Gohan Meditates eh? If you ask me in that pic it
doesn't really look like he's meditating, the name of the card should be more like Gohan Crusin' or
something like that. ^_^
(Pojo Note: I agree
IQ! I think he's flying to Orange Star High School.
Don't these guys from Score watch the show? ;-)
More and more decks are starting to use this card because there's almost alwayz a good use for it
because there's alwayz a Non-Combat card siting out there that has just been giving ya funny looks or your
opponent has more anger than you want him to. When it comes to Non-Combat removal is not as good as Saiyan
Battle Terms or Focusing is Everyrhing but if you're a
villan w/ a Non-Saiyan TW this is just about the best Non-Combat removal you can use. Besides your opponent
can alway prepare for the Non-Combat cards that remove his Non-Combat cards because they'll usuakky sit on
the table for a while before you use them, but this card is a Combat card that when they lease expect it
it can discard they're Goku's Capturing Drill or their Orange Focusing Drill. :-)
Rating 3.5
Tuff Enuff
As much as I like this card is simply just not as good in TE because you don't really care about anger in
this format. The card still works well in Namekian decks because they can recover this card pretty
quickly but that's about it. :-(
Rating 2.3
Original |
Hm... I think this card is also a nice
addition to the game, but it doesn't compare to Orange Stare Down or
Blue Betrayal. The only reason I consider it nice is because
it's Combat (allowing return potential) and freestyle, so it goes in
any deck. If you really need to, you can take out any
Non-Combat you want, whereas some restrict you to drills. This
can be handy since, though drills are very deadly in the right
hands, Non-Combats are just as deadly, and anger decks would love to
include this. DB decks could take out Black Water Confusion
Drill or Breakthrough Drill for Earth. However, anger and DB
decks don't really have much to target that hurts them except
drills, which makes other cards more worthwhile in them.
S: 2.4
TE: 3

Hawk |
Gohan Meditates, the new staple card in
every deck. This card, i must say, is probibly the most useful
card in Cell Games, of course aura clash is there too, but you'll
find this being played more. Anti-anger and anti-non-combat in
the same card, crazy awesome.. there's nothing like it, easily
pullable, easily recycleable, perfect against Db decks (as long as
they dont sphere it ;D)
Reg - 4/5
TE - 4/5

Trunks |
Gohan Meditates - Cell Games
Gohan meditates is one of those well needed cards. If you don't
declare orange or blue tokui-waza you don't get to use those killer
cards, Blue Betrayal and Orange Staredown. This is a very good
substitute card. Its a combat which can be sphered but theres only 3
spheres so gohan meditates will get through sometime. Non-Combat
removal is needed. Getting rid of cards like frieza is ready or
saiyan inspection can make all the different. All around it is a
really good card. But if you play orange or blue you wont need this
card since blue betrayal/orange staredown are WAY better cards than
Rating 3.2
Tuff enuff this card doesn't get much better. Tuff enuff don't care
for anger but getting rid of frieza is ready is still needed. So if
you don't have any noncombat removal you can splash this card in for
good measure.
Rating 3.0
Black and Namekian players alike
rejoiced when they first laid eyes upon this card. That is because
Namekian and Black are the two colors that have little removal. Too
bad Gohan Meditates doesn't remove the non-combat from the game, but
then again, I'm also happy it doesn't because you can discard your
own non-combats if you need to recycle them. You'll see most
Namekian and/or Black decks running at least 2 of these. Gohan
Meditates is better in standard than Tuff Enuff because you gotta
worry about anger decks more, plus you see more ugly DB decks
rearing their non-combats out in play.
Standard - 4/5
Tuff Enuff - 3/5
