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City in Turmoil Android
Reviewed July 31, 2002
Rating: 3.72 (based on
6 reviews)
Enuff: 2.28 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
I love the way this card looks in
foil, it just looks so cool and stuff. ^.^ Anyway, not many munkeyz
know this but the image from this card came from Red Dueling Drill,
card # 73 from the Android Saga. Just look at the far right side and
you'll see what I'm talking about. ^,<
This card is the reason why Orange and many
other decks out there started using Land in Pain, this Battleground
is just so great and that darn powerful. O.O If you're going for
pure beatdown and not packing many or any Non-Combat cards there's
no reason why you shouldn't play this Battleground. It takes out
Orange decks and gives Dragonball decks a nice headache, besides
it's alwayz funny to make your opponent Caught Off Guard this card.
Rating 3.4
Tuff Enuff
In this format the card is still pretty good
but since there aren't many Non-Combat cards here I would take a
Dying Planet over it but that's just me. I think the best thing this
card can do for you in this format is cancel off your opponent's
Frieza's Ready but that's about it cuz there aren't even enough
Orange decks in this environment to make this card worth your while.
Rating 2
Original |
Could there possibly be any better
location or battleground? Maybe Dying Planet and some others
depending on decks, but this has the most use out of all of them.
Saiyan decks particularly love this card, since they have few
Non-Combats to use at all, and this will paralyze a great many
players, including Dragon Ball and/or Orange decks. Even anger
decks will love this card despite that it stops Enraged and similar,
simply because it protects them from the ever-looming ANT (anger
negation trio): Goku's Heart Disease, Severe Bruises, and Awful
Abrasions. In standard, this thing has a huge use, and should
be included with 3 copies if you use it at all. In Tuff Enuff,
it's not quite as powerful, since there's less Non-Combat use (less
stasis and anger), but it still can hault any decks that rely on
drills or power-ups.
S: 4.5 TE:

Hawk |
Wednesday - City in Turmoil (AS)
I loved this card when it came it, it was my favorite battleground,
then i realized it was more of a annoyance than groundbreaking
(unlike Dying Planet ^_^) but it is definitely a favorite in anger
and black, and saiyan decks, to help cut off those non-combats
orange and namekian decks use. Its worth running if you can make it
work in the deck. ^_^
Reg - 3/5
TE - 3/5

Cds |
Ahhh the infamous City in Turmoil.
For me, this is the most annoying Battleground because so many decks
run Non-Combats these days. I really hate to run Battlegrounds in
decks though. They are bait to one simple card: Land in Pain. But
this battleground is special and I ran three of them myself at
Nationals earlier this month in Chicago. They performed quite
well...until they were discarded. Hrhr. Back to the point, it's a
good card for Standard for all those silly dragonball decks but
loses value in Tuff Enuff for the lack of non-combats people use.
They are more likely to use attacks. Either way, it's still a great
Standard - 4/5
Tuff Enuff - 2/5

City In Turmoil - This card was so
undiscovered back at Gencon 2001 that it would've been a detriment
to everyone if i made Top 16...but lets talk about the card. Pretty
much, if you get this to stick, most Dragonball and Orange decks are
in big trouble, because they tend to run off the table. But there's
lots of ways around this card now. More locations have been released
and now every archetype can run them. There's Cell's Instant
Transmission and Land In Pain (also Run Away, but who the hell uses
that), Caught Off Guard Drill and some could even go as far to say
Straining Hand Blast Move. I think its a wise choice to handle most
low-grade DB decks and Orange decks, but as the playskill increases,
so does the ability to deal with this card.
Rating : 3.5/5
In Tuff Enuff, you will see this card...ALOT.
It wrecks DV, and anything else that runs off the table. Its the
perfect location for those pesky Cell Physical Beatdown decks, and
some interestingly built Backlash decks. The card is not worth as
much in TE, but it is definetly more used.
Rating : 2.25/5

trunks |
City in Turmoil - AS
One of the best locations in the game. This card is a lock down for
those huge noncombat decks filled with drills and such. This card
can control the board in your favor if you get it out fast or get it
out when your opponent has all his non-combats set up. You gotta
have some kind of board control and this one can do just that. You
may still wanna add in those gohans meditates, blue betrayals and
such though. Since its a battleground, land in pain can discard this
card in play and in all life decks. Overall its a battleground that
hurts everyone cos all decks have at least 6-10 non-combats.
Non-combats are just that good :D but some players just abuse
non-combats like crazy so city in turmoil is just devastating to
orange decks especially.
