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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Goku's Farewell Cell
Reviewed June 3, 2002
Rating: 2.51 (based on
5 reviews)
Enuff: 2.81 (based on
2 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
I don't think the card is that amazing in this
format because there is just way too much stasis all over the place
and who doesn't use Aura Clash to get around those pesky level ones
like A-18 and Piccolo? This card is pretty much for some good old
beatdown and it can really backfire in this format. >_<
Rating 1.9
Tuff Enuff
This is where the card gets a lil better, not
much stasis to worry about and a lot of Physical beatdown decks.
Almost every deck in this format should pack at least one because
even if your deck is not desiged around this card it's still pretty
good to use it late game when you only have about 20 life cards left
or something like that cuz your opponent won't see it coming and it
will give them more to worry about when they have so few life cards
left.... just think about it but don't hurt yallz self. ;-p
Rating 3.8 |
tk |
No Review Today
Swordsman |
- Goku's Farewell
Hmmmmmm ick. This card is just horrible in my opinion. You jump to
your highest MP and you get 5 turns to win or the game is over for
you. If i wanna use my level 5 ill just use aura clash myself but
this card is only helpful if you know you're gonna lose or you can
with your level 4-5 power. Its a gamble though. An aura clash will
end the game. Saiyan Suicide decks will probably have this card in
for fun. Trunks level 5 with Saiyan can be very very evil. But other
than that this card wont be played much at all.
= 1.9

Raith |
Well, this was by far the most
interesting card in my opinion of the saga.. it gives those lv.5's a
place in your decks, and add a lot of punch to beatdown decks in the
endgame. It certainly has a lot of benefits, decks like trunks
beatdown now have access to those high power levels and lv.5 powers.
the only problem with this card is the time limit... assuming you or
your opponent doesnt raise your anger, you have 5 turns to win
the game, or you lose. Thats a huge problem, because most decks dont
have the punch to win in early game, and with such a huge
restriction, its a gamble to play this card, even with the
In TE its slightly worse, because players are
more likely to expect beatdown.. so you are less likely to win with
this card being used.
Standard - 3.5/5
Tuff Enuff - 3/5
Goken |
This card is a wonderful concept,
though it is very risky because an Aura Clash will blow you away if
you've just Farewelled. However, it is quite a nice reply to all
those who complained at the uselessness of cool level 4s and 5s
(even 3s!). Most people advise a Winter Countryside in combination,
but there are other safeguards (pickin at your opponent's deck,
keepin a TES handy for example). If you are both bold and daring,
this is a card that can really destroy your opponent. Aura Clash is
even more potent in Tuff Enuff (and there's Are You Tuff Enuff?), so
using Farewell is a bit riskier in that environment.
Standard rating: 3
Tuff Enuff: 2.5

When I pulled this card a week or
so before CG's release, and posted it on Fanatics, it received a
HUGE uproar of chatter about it. This card definetly brings power to
the table. You can level up instantly to an insanely powerful level
5 or a nifty power like Android 16's level 3. The only problem is,
if you get aura clashed or jump kicked, game over. The only real
safety is having Winter Countryside out, but that still takes off 1
turn you have to live. I think aura clash is just a much better card
to level you up.
Standard: 2.25
This card, in my opinion, is much worse in
Tuff Enuff. The fact that MPP Victory isn't even a concern should
just make you play 3 aura clashes, leveling w/o the liability of a
game loss. It is still powerful to level up to cell's level 5 when
you know your opponent has no energy defense, or vegeta's level 5 if
they're at 0, but clash is just better. TE: 1.95
