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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Chi-Chi on the Attack Cell
Reviewed June 7, 2002
Rating: 2.43 (based on
5 reviews)
Enuff: 2.60 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This is one hip card dude..... sorry about that, lack
of sleep making me write all sorts of weird stuff. ;-p This is so yummy that I've seen a
lot of players build Chi-chi decks just to use it, and let's not forget the
fact that Chi-chi rocks!!! ^_~
The major draw back of this card is that it's Chi-chi only but Chi-chi is not that bad, her first two levels
are ok I guess but her level 3 is the main reason you will be using her. The
ability to remove all of your opponents Non-Combat cards when entering combat simply
wrecks Orange and it gives all sorts of cool disruption.
Rating 2.3
Tuff Enuff
Let's take a really close look at this card, it's a combat card so it can't be stoped by blocks and if
your opponent's actually willing to waste a trunks
Energy Sphere on it it's still worth it, the card doesn't deal damage so it gets around Endurance and it
has a really cool pic of Chi-chi. ^_^ If she was a Saiyan I could so see Chi-chi's Saiyan lockdown,
sounds weird and all but it would be great. The only bad thing is that Chi-chi is pretty weak and in an
evironment full of Physical beatdown it could kinda
suck for you. >_<
Rating 2 |
Swordsman |
- Chi Chi On the Attack
Hmm a so-so card. You gotta be chi-chi to use this card. It has a lot
of good effects. They lose 4 power stages and 3 life cards and its a
combat card. This can be good if you have chi-chi out and you're
playing a saiyan deck. You can make them lose 7 cards but that is
only if she can take over combat. Its a good card but its hard to
play unless you're using chi-chi as an MP and that wont be seen much
Rating 2.5
Goken |
This card is a lockdown deck's dream
come true... until you notice the Chi-Chi Only part. You can
definitely build a deck around this card... particularly if you find
a way to get Chi-Chi to level 3 *drool*. Its really cool that they
gave her some firepower, but that little first sentence will keep
this card out of most decks.
Standard: 2
Tuff Enuff: 2.5

Aik |
Okay, well if you're not playing
as Chi-Chi obviously this card is not for you. But if you are, this
card is much too sweet to pass up! 3 life and 4 stages on their
Main, always good. And packing 4 of these, much too fun to miss :)
The only downside is that it's removed from game after use, but
that's not so bad. Heh, what else can I say...any deck with Chi-Chi
is fun!
Standard: 3.5
Tuff Enuff: 3.5

The current ally format really
lends itself to this card. The unstoppable (only sphereable) damage
factor is really appealing to people (shown by the popularity of
Straining Destruction Move) and well, if this card wasn't ChiChi
only, it'd be in a ton of places. Really nice in the right ally deck
(along w/ her boss level 3 power), but in standard this card just
doesn't add up...yet.
Rating: 2.15
This card gets a bit better in TE, with the
friendliness to ally decks. If you can get to Chichi's level 3, she
becomes quite the efficient MP. Mess with this card, I think you'll
like it.
Rating : 2.80
