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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Android 20's Search Pattern Androids
Reviewed June 13, 2002
Rating: 3.07 (based on
5 reviews)
Enuff: 2.80 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This card is pretty interesting
but me think it's no worth using. It can set up combos and all but
it's not really reliable.
I can only see one style using this card and
it would so have to be Black because it has most of the disrruption
cards and it can help you deal with all the small threats. You can
call time, HALT (not after July 1st) and maybe Trunks Energy Sphere
but Black Searching Technique it's just so much better. All in all I
think this card is pretty weak and it's not really worth using.
Rating 1.1
Tuff Enuff
One mini combo comes to mind and that's being
able to place Are you Tuff Enuff on top of your life deck right
before you get hit with something big, you can try to do the same
with other cards with a lot of Endurance but I still don't like it
because in order for it to work you'll have to be geting hit with
attacks and that can't be good. In Tuff Enuff I'll take a block over
this card because even those things can deal damage if used at the
right time.
Rating 1 |

Tongtharadol |
I used to love this card back when
AS came out, but not so much anymore.
Yes, you can name any card from their deck and
remove it from the game...but there are often situations where I
would rather have another card in my hand/on the table. The card is
still useful, but it certainly isn't something that should be in
every deck. You do however look through their deck, which could
prove useful later in the match.
Standard: 2.5
Tuff Enuff: 2.5
Goken |
At first glance, this card seems like
something that you might see a lot of... but since its release, it
hasn't seen all that much tournament action. I know a few big
leagues that swear by these cards, and I can understand why. A real
"player" will often know exactly which cards will most
annoy him in a deck just by the mastery and MP he's facing, so
naming stuff usually isn't a problem. And if you're wrong, at least
you get to learn all the wondrous secrets of the deck. And on top of
that, you get to set up any card from your discard pile to your life
deck. Because it is a non-combat, though, this card is not for
everybody. Its only for decks that require combos (not including
non-combat combos) and have vulnerabilities (seems like everyone
huh?). But this card can go in any deck, which makes it quite the
Standard: 4
Tuff Enuff: 4

This card was the best thing for
many styles with poor manipulation like Namekian and Red to deal
with Halt. Now that halt is being banned, the card loses some value,
but gains it in other places. The secondary effect of being able to
place any discard on the top of your life deck is great, and there
are more and more single cards that can be targets of this card
(backlash, dragonball quest, etc). The biggest downside is the blind
guessing that might take place early in a game with this card, and
it is a non-combat. Overall, this is great tech for anything.
Rating : 3.75
In Tuff Enuff, this card loses a lot of value.
not having to worry about DB or anger reduces the amount of tech
you'll need. Although this is useful in eliminating a DV or CB from
your opponent's deck, it still clogs you up w/ non-combats.
Rating : 2.25

Raith |
Android 20's Search Pattern
A great underused card. Its usefulness exists
mostly to remove certain key cards that could do damage, like CTP,
halt (well, not for long), Time, etc. as well as allowing you to
take a card and set up your next hand. The benefit of this
non-combat is in decks that need the deck manip of black, but arent
playing it (or maybe you are, youre just want more). if you can find
space for this card, its definately worth its space.
Standard 4
TE 4

Cds |
Sleeping in.
