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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Krillin's Concentration Androids
Reviewed June 15, 2002
Rating: 3.50 (based on
5 reviews)
Enuff: 3.17 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Krillin's Concentration
hmmm... looks like we're going old skool 0.o
This card is pretty ok because it can grab you
a TES, a Confrontation and maybe even Time's a Warrior's Tool and
all of those other cool combat cards but I don't really like it.
It's just player preference, I like my decks to be consistant and
this card just doesn't do it for me because if I get attacked 1st
turn and draw this card instead of a good old block or an attack
this card could pretty much cost me the game.... in other
words I don't think it's worth it but that's just me.
Rating 1.9
Tuff Enuff
This card just gets worst in this format
because I've seen a lot of first turn kills in Tuff Enuff
tournaments. The environment is really Combat oriented, this card
works well in combo decks but besides that it's pretty much useless.
I can only wonder how many decks will use if after the release of
World Games and once players start using.... ooppss.... was silly
old me gona start talking about cards in future sets again? ;-p
heh heh.. I love teasing yall ^_~
Rating 1.5 |

Tongtharadol |
I'm not a big advocate for a
card-for-card trade off, but with such a large number of good combat
cards out there...this card isn't THAT bad. It isn't removed from
game which is a plus, but you could get two combat cards with
Piccolo and Heroes Gather (although you do not have to discard cards
from your hand with Concentration). Overall...ehhhhh...it's not that
good, but it's certainly not the worst card out there! :)
Standard: 2.0
Tuff Enuff: 2.0
Aik Tongtharadol
Goken |
KC has seen a lot of history. Back
in the stasis days, it was the bomb...
then is sorta faded into the background. But
now, with an ever-growing list of incredible Combat cards, KC is
back on top. Welcome to another episode of *sounds effects* Behind
the Card! (j/k) Few cards can search for something to but right into
your hot little hand, so this card can give you the versatility to
overcome a wide range of opponents. It is especially nice if your
deck hinges on the appearance of one or two combat cards at the
proper time. Obviously, the two new victories would be wise to look
into pairing up with our old friend. But there are plenty of other
deck that rely heavily on Combats, giving an endless array of
options when using KC.
A candidate for every deck, this card will no
doubt be seeing plenty of action.
Standard: 4
Tuff Enuff: 4

Oooh. I love this card. I used
this card in CS, where it wasn't as popular, but it has gained major
popularity with the release of cards like Aura Clash and Goku's
Dragon Ball Quest. Pretty much it lets you pull any combat card, the
most useful type of card in the game, from your life deck in place
of an attack. This is a great way to pull a brothers in training,
time is a warrior's tool, or whatever utilities you might need to
set up a combat. This card gets more useful with every set.
Rating : 4.8
In Tuff Enuff, this card levels off. It's
great to pull Are You Tuff Enuff???? or whatever, but it is also a
non-combat which clogs up your deck.
Still great though
Rating : 4.75

Raith |
Krillin's Concentration
While its uses are limited, this cards effects
are profound. While KC wont let you grab any attacks (unless your a
namek), it does let you search for a lot of useful cards, like time,
sphere, battle pausing, etc... in fact, Combat cards often are some
of the most powerful cards in the game *cough*halt*cough*, so KC
will allow you to grab them right from your deck. The only
disadvantage is that it doesnt really work for every deck, and cards
like Fatherly Advice do a much better job of grabbing cards. But its
still a great card to use if you plan on having a lot of combats in
your deck.
Standard 3.7
TE 3.7

Cds |
Is it just me or is this card
becoming a staple? Back in Frieza Saga days when you could search
for physical and energy combat cards, this card was a staple.
Horribly broken. But, even today, with the amount of combat cards
running amok, this card has perfectly been fitting into all deck
types, and comfortably at that. As most people know, any card that
has the ability to search for another card is going to be good; and
Krillin's Concentration is no exception. If you run alot of combat
cards, you should try it out. It should work wonders for you.
Standard - 4.5/5
Tuff Enuff - 3/5
