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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
King Kai's New Home Redemption
Reviewed June 24, 2002
Rating: 3.89 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 3.98 (based on
4 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Hawk |
Tuesday : King Kai's New Home
Can you say "hand control?" LoL, this card is going to be
greatly used, i can see that already. once people figure out
the awesome uses for this x_X it shall rule. 4 cards a regular
hand 5 limit for saiyan, it's a BEAST. Keep an eye out draw
decks, this is comin to get ya.
Regular - 3/5
Tuff Enuff 4/5

A Score Guy |
Ever wondered why the card allows
the players to have 5 cards in their hand instead of 4 if they
declare a Saiyan TW but if they declare a Namekian on they're
stucked with only 4? It's a conspiracy I tell you!!!
Once again it looks like the Score guys just
have something against those sexy Nameks. ;-p
The card mainly affects A-18 and the Namekian
Style because it pretty much makes them draw one less card than they
usually would. It gives Battle Pausing a small headache and makes
Earth DB 5 and 3 not so good because there goes the ability to draw
cards. I can see this card as a good way to fight combo decks andit
could be considered as a bit of disruption but that's pretty much
it. If it only affected Cosmic Backlash.
Rating 3.8
Tuff Enuff
It looks like in Tuff Enuff the 3 most popular
characters are A-18, Cell HT and Goku (CS), this card hits 2 out of
those 3 but even then I don't see this Location being used that
much. Once World Games come out it'll be a different story because
this card stops Tapkar on his tracks and pretty much wrecks him but
til then this card will just be something pretty to keep in your
binder. ^_<
Rating 3.4

Raith |
Tuesday : King Kai's New Home
This card is the answer to my prayers.. hand
size has seriously gotten very important, to the point where one
turn can seriously harm you. this card prevents hand sizes from
getting out of hand, and allows people to keep their opponents
higher hand sizes from hurting them. Mostly its used to slow down
namekian and Saiyan decks, but can work for anything, against earth
dragonballs 1, 4, and 5, or cards like vegeta's quickness drill.
in TE its even more effective, as there will
be more decks that use large hand beatdowns to win games.
Standard 4.5
TE 4.8
Goken |
This card is going to see a LOT of play. It is potent
against Android 18, Saiyan decks, Goku and Gohan, and decks that
rely on Blue Leaving (to name a few). If you dare to play a deck
type that dares to not play the card advantage game, there's a
strong chance that this Location is for you.
Standard: 4
Tuff Enuff: 4.1
