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CCG Card of the Day
A Father's Struggle Redemption
Reviewed June 26, 2002
Rating: 2.73 (based on
3 reviews)
Enuff: 2.45 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
*reads the card*
enuf said...
Is a Brothers in Training w/o the Endurance that doesn't allow you to use the Drill you grab with it.
If you want Non-Combat hate you shouldn't even be looking at this card because there are better way to
deal with Non-Combat cards and if you want wayz to find Drills then you should never, ever look at this
card. Two bad effects don't make a good card. >,<
Rating 1
Tuff Enuff
BURN IT!!! BURN IT!!! I'm not sure if this card would even make a good fire. :-/ I was right and there are
better cards to use as coasters so this card is completely useless. >>,<<
Rating 1
must brainwash Pojosama into allowing us to give negative ratings <---- IQ's new goal. 0.o

Raith |
Wednesday : A Father Struggles
A great card for a beatdown deck, this card
basically acts as an City In Turmoil for 1 turn, allowing u to
beatdown without fear of non-combat protection. being a combat card,
its extremely versatile, though not immune to trunks energy sphere.
Overall, a useful card in most decks that fear non-combats, thou not
decks that use them.
tK |
Ahh...Im back..and
playing black..sorry I haven't rated any cards for a while..but its
summer and I have lots more on my mind.. But anyways today's card is
A Father Struggles. If your opponet has out too many drills for the
combat, this card helps, its like a mini CiT, it also lets you
search for a freestyle drill, even tho you wouldn't be able to use
it for that combat..a pretty nice card for standard.
My rating for AFS is 3/5
In TE there is alot of Drill-Hate,
like Are You Tuff Enuff??, Aura Clash, Drills are for the Weak, so
this card doesn't help a lot here.. AFS's rating in TE is 2/5
The tK has spoken.

Cds |
This card has you rubbing your
chin and saying "hmm." It's a card that has you lifting
your finger to say something, but then you say "nevermind."
What am I trying to get to? It's an average card. Search for your
drill, but the catch is you can't use it for the remainder of
combat. This card could wreck a Dragonball deck's strategy, but
there are some better cards out there.
Standard - 3
TE - 3
Goken |
This card is interesting, and I
don't know what sorta of deck could make good use of it. But judging
by the enormous popularity of Brothers in Training, SOMEBODY needs
to make use of this card... its just too good to pass up. I suppose
you could pack a few, and use them at the end of a combat if you
don't want to screw yourself up... or you could use them at the
beginning or in the middle if your opponent has the non-combat edge
on you. Hmmmm... the possibilities. o_O
Standard: 3.9
Tuff Enuff: 3.8
